Ich rede mir Dinge ein, die überhaupt gar nicht mal stimmen?

Hallo und zwar rede ich mir Dinge ein, die überhaupt gar nicht mal stimmen. Vor allem ein Ereignis, womit ich überhaupt gar nichts zu tun habe, aber trotzdem fühle ich mich schuldig und das Ereignis ist schon seit 1 Jahr her, aber trotzdem fühle ich mich schuldig, auch wenn ich überhaupt gar nichts gemacht habe. Was ist dass? Denn das Ereignis, was schon 1 Jahr her ist, hatte ich mir schon mal eingeredet und danach war es weg, zwar glaube nicht ganz und jetzt ist es wieder da, denn mal wird es schwach und mal wird es stärker. Was könnte dass sein?

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8 months ago

Could be that you should train your perception. I can imagine if you’re getting worse in general, that you’re gonna get into such a thought carousel, where then you’re practically coming up with stupid memories from earlier.

So it would be important for you to learn that you are not guilty of everything. I’ve helped the idea that you’re not as important as you think. The world does not revolve around oneself, but also turns without one. Comparing life with a theatre: you don’t stand on a stage – sometimes you’re just a spectator. You were seemingly a spectator of a drama – but the script didn’t write you. You might have given your opinion to the piece in the end, and that’s all right.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

If you hear voices, this can be due to a serious mental illness. It’s best to find medical help. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist can certainly help you!

8 months ago

I always recommend psychiatrists and psychotherapists. Everything is worked up very well with a therapist. A psychiatrist will not listen to your entire life story. This is the task of a therapist. The psychiatrist is the doctor who specializes in medicine for the psyche.

8 months ago

Nee, I just wrote that you not will die. Nevertheless, you need help to improve your quality of life!

8 months ago

You won’t die if you’re looking for help, you just learn how to deal with it and possibly get medication

8 months ago

That’s not a tumor or something, it’s something you can control to some extent. This is so for mental illnesses that you can decide (at least something) where the journey goes.

8 months ago

That depends on you

8 months ago

It seems you’re very burdensome and sick. Diseases must be treated.

8 months ago

This could have different causes. It definitely sounds worrying and you should be a doctor!!