Ich (rauche nicht selbst) habe gelesen, dass man beim Rauchen mindestens 2m Abstand von Kindern nehmen sollte?

Aber ich mein selbst bei 10 Metern kann der Rauch zum Kind kommen… Oder ist es dann weitaus weniger schädlich als wenn die es von direkt nah abbekommen würden?

Ist es dennoch unverantwortlich?

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6 months ago

It is irresponsible to OVERVIEW in the vicinity of other people who do not smoke. And it doesn’t matter if you have a distance of 2m or 10m, the wind carries it over without any problems.

5 months ago
Reply to  Thomas520532

No, there are several studies that the dilution is so large that no damage due to passive smoking can be expected.

5 months ago
Reply to  T3Fahrer


5 months ago
Reply to  T3Fahrer

Of course, this refers to outdoor smoking, not in a closed frame.

5 months ago

Use Google. Keywords smoke outdoors or Passive smoking outdoors or something in the direction. I read about it some time ago. But it should be clear to yourself – consider what a huge dilution has in the shortest time smoke in the outdoor area. Since the olgactorious alertness is no longer related to the harmfulness.

5 months ago

But I mean, even at 10 meters, the smoke can come to the child…

Spray perfume in the air… and then ask someone right next to you, someone 2 meters further and someone 10 meters further what he smells like.

In closed rooms you shouldn’t smoke when children are present or live there, out there, this usually volatilizes strongly through the air… and the further away the child is the more.

5 months ago

In the room it doesn’t matter how much distance, sometimes from a normal living room. Everything’s evenly distributed. Outside, outdoors, there are various studies that from 50 cm distance or so on the order of magnitude the dilution of the smoker is so great that no longer a detectable harmful effect of passive smoking can be assumed.

5 months ago
Reply to  Joeyy8

I personally smoke very little and then normally hold 2m and more distance. When I remember the study, a sitting distance at the table was sufficient as an example.

5 months ago

It’s all over. If that were so dangerous, we would not have a pension problem, because then my and previous recoverys would no longer be alive. In the 70s we were constantly exposed to smoke. I’ve never heard anyone’s been harming health.

6 months ago

If your children are in the same room, then 10 m are too close. Don’t smoke when in the same room!

6 months ago

Macher give the children cigarettes and make them dependent then there is no problem