Ich organisiere ein Konzert mit kleinen Bands (lowbudget) was sollte ich da an Eintritt verlangen?

Ich bin an der Organisation eines Konzerts dran habe jetzt 6 Bands fest dafür gebucht was sollte ich da in etwa an Eintritt verlangen?

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1 year ago

For the first time, you don’t get that out with a minus amount.

To do this, see what costs arise, and then share with the number of (predictive) visitors.

And then watch how much it is still justified to push the price up.

With such small underground stuff, unfortunately, it is often so that this is a misery business:

1 year ago


Lokation is often free as it benefits from cash income

And small bands often require only alk and spritgeld and nen sleeping place when they get away from

1 year ago

Jo exactly the one way is to get the money by Alk and sausage, good 3-5 euros per something are inside also more

Or just an entrance of about 5-12 euros or both

low budget bands don’t bring an entrance fee.

1 year ago
Reply to  Voodo

You pay rent but have no cash turnover

How much do you pay?

1 year ago
Reply to  Voodo

yes well

1 year ago

How much do you pay?

1 year ago

As has already been written by BBTritt, your costs are reckoned and shared by the possible number of visitors.

I had held concerts earlier, but it was almost always a loss business at Underground Bands, and that was 20 years ago, where people were even more relaxed.

1 year ago
Reply to  AndersLarsson

Depends on which bands you get and where to organize

Important is ne achievability with the public

1 year ago

Still post online how to get there

1 year ago

First, clarify what costs are on you. hall rental, energy costs, security, technology, catering etc. Talk to the bands if they ask for a gage or play for free beers. For advertising (flyers, posters etc.) costs can also arise.

Recreate everything together and estimate how many people could come. Share the sum by the number of possible visitors. Then you have an approach.

You can also generate money through drinks and snacks. You will need helpers who work “for free” or possibly a return.

See if you may have to pay music rights (GEMA).

Often all this becomes a financial fiasco for the organizer, especially if it is highly motivated, but has no real plan.

1 year ago
Reply to  BBTritt

Perfect answer!

1 year ago
Reply to  BBTritt

This is surely a small indie concert and not a big event

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill

Where’s the difference? Also at a small indie concert you have to look at what you have on spending and how to get it back in.

Security is the only one that can be dispensed with indie concerts compared to the big event. And catering can also be the order at the pizza service.

The remaining items also apply to indie concerts.

1 year ago

That’s right

1 year ago

That’s right, you have to see that you make the price so that people come.

However, if you calculate the entrance fee in such a way that you still make a loss even at a sold out event, you should leave it with the event.

1 year ago

Only a certain amount can be requested

You don’t pay 40€ for unknown and small bands

In punk concerts, 2 bands nen 10s, 3 15e when known bands play, with unknown ne donation to the artist

Ds expect people too and rain that is too expensive

1 year ago

I’ve already written the Gema that’s wrong.

The rest: you could make sure that, but if you don’t do it that way and have costs, then you have to calculate how to get it back in, except you have so much money that it doesn’t hurt when 3s is gone.

1 year ago

Ea gives some small locals who do not require rent and no energy costs

Food cooks

Small bands that are not local can be accommodated privately

Advertisement is now mainly about social media

Gema doesn’t fall at small concerts if the bands aren’t with the gema

Before, between and after, you have to put yourself something silly which is free, but there are enough small artists

1 year ago

If you request entry, a fee to GEMA will be required in case of doubt…

we have always made concerts about Hutgage and no entry

1 year ago
Reply to  Luca747

You don’t have to pay anything if the artist isn’t

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill

Sorry, that’s not true.

If the bands are not in the Gema and only their own songs play no fees. But the concert must be reported to the Gema and the bands must fill out a gemabogen.

Fees will be charged if a band covers a chewed song. Or when music from the can is played between the bands during the break.

If I remember correctly, even a flat rate is calculated which depends on the size of the venue. Some operators of locations already pay this monthly.

In any case, the FS must inform itself about this in order not to risk an unpleasant letter from the Gema at the end.

1 year ago

You can do a lot, but whether the right is another thing. But everyone has to decide for themselves how to do this.

1 year ago

You can simply let homeless be officially organized as an example

1 year ago

Well, you just don’t pay her… Either you don’t call the event and hope the Gema doesn’t get any of it. At smaller concerts, there is a chance to get through with it.

But what if the Gema learns about the event and then instead of 100,-€ suddenly calculates 800,-€ because they estimate that this would be the lost fees?

Don’t pay for that, then? Hmmmm reminder with dunning fees, then debt collection with debt collection fees (now we are at perhaps 1500,-€) then deposit and then substitutes cash if you don’t pay. That’s the way.

1 year ago

Or you just don’t pay her

The Christmas markets are also quiet this year because you cannot afford a few 1000€

1 year ago

Well, even more expensive is when the Gema wind gets from the concert and then estimates what they have received from fees.

But if you don’t calculate Gema costs and don’t change to the entrance fee, you’ll be broke sooner or later.

1 year ago

Is not a cost point


And as a non-organizer, you can’t lick yourself anyway because that’s a few 100€

1 year ago

You mean that’s what the Gema says?

1 year ago

that they will find ,🤙!

1 year ago

At least in Germany the bands must be filled with a gemabogen, even if the bands are not in the gema.

Otherwise, they can come to the idea to appreciate what might have happened to gema fees if they get wind from the event. And believe me, they can develop imagination when estimating the lost fees…

1 year ago

Between free donation and 20€ wöre ok for small bands.

Depends on what you’ve got.