Ich (Nichtraucher) finde es attraktiv, wenn hübsche, heiße sportliche Mädels in Gymklamotten Rauchen. Ist hier noch jemand dabei, der das nachvollziehen kann?
Aber nicht irgendwie schnell in Stress den Rauch wild rauspusten, sondern mit Stil…
Sondern den Rauch z.B. ganz langsam ausatmen, vom Mund durch die Nase ziehen, dann reden und bei jedem Wort etwas Rauch aus dem Mund kommt und so…
And how I can understand that!
I generally find smoking girls extremely sexy 🚬
Yes, I am
I think you just have a “emergency” 😉
And I believe – that both the slim, well-trained body of women from the gym turns on you – as well as the way – how they inhale the touch “sufficiently and slowly and gaably deep” – > Kapiert where I want to go 😆
Oh, you mean I’m associating with Bl**job? No.
I don’t like women, but smoking is and remains one of the biggest redflags ever.
I don’t like it when my partner smells or tastes like an ashtray when kissing. No, thanks, Pfui!
I find smoking anything but attractive, no matter who, totally disgusting. Was even smokers until 20 years ago, but smokers are often the worst non-smoking 😁.
No, I can’t understand. I find extremely unsexy and repulsive.
I think so.
Hmm, you call it a threat?
Oh, my God!
It’s kind of hardz4 vibes.
So that’s what I find extremely unattractive
Well, tastes are different. Yours goes in the direction of “real strange”. Thank you for the insight into your world.
You think? Well, I just know that it happens more often that women find smoking attractive in men…
That may be, but you seem to have a completely different level. :
I give it to haha
“Thank you to the insight into your world”
Not a thing, I like to exchange :). Everyone has his… just that this isn’t so common, but at least not bad and that’s important! I like being so…
Can I tell you more carefully if you want
I think your subconscious associates with what else…
Sports women don’t smoke 😁
All prejudices
Yes is sexy!