Ich nehme seit 9 Jahren keine harten Drogen mehr?
Ich hab 1,5 Jahre gekifft und ab da dann immer wieder harte Drogen (Spice, Speed, MDMA und LSD) zu mir genommen…
denkt ihr man erholt sich von diesen 2 Jahren Drogen nehmen wieder?
Oder bleibt da ein Schaden für immer bestehen?
Bin auch Schizophren auf LSD geworden, desw. hab ich aufgehört mit Drogen..
Spice, Speed, MDMA and LSD are not ‘hard drugs’, especially since the classification in ‘hard and soft drugs’ is already wrong.
There are only risky and less risky Drug consumption behaviour.
It’s too doubtful that you’ve become ‘on LSD schizophren’; It is possible, however, that LSD consumption has triggered a schizophrenia that is already latent with you, which has only become negotiable.
I have the impression that you like to use schizophrenia and drug use as an apological explanation pattern, but are not really willing to change something.
Even fucking fast.
The human body is a machine.
Drugs also cause damage which can be irreversible.
But you were aware of this during consumption.
Drug-free is of course always better than with.
As a rule, unless everything is already irreparably damaged, the body and the organs recover to a certain extent.
Just let the doctor check you out how healthy you are again and where you can optimize something else
I don’t know how things work, but it’ll be a crack. Schizophrenia also usually runs chronically.
Your damage remains forever. Sorry.