Ich nehme ganze Zeit zu?
Ich verstehe das Prinzip vom zunehmen nicht.
mich mache Sport, sehr viel. Trotzdem nehme ich pro Tag (wenn ich normal esse) 2-3 Kilo zu. Ich Internet stand, dass es theoretisch unmöglich sei, am Tag 1 Kilo zuzunehmen, man müsse quasi 7-9000 Kalorien essen damit man erst zunimmt.
ja, ich verstehe, dass es bei mir vielleicht Wassereinlagerungen etc sind, welche mein Gewicht erhöhen, aber das Gewicht verschwindet nicht. Ich ärgere mich wirklich mittlerweile extrem weil ich so in selbstzweifel verfalle weil ich denke ich werde dicker und dicker, mein Bauch ist auch am
nächsten morgen so dick/aufgebläht. kann jemand der sich damit auskennt mir bitte helfen
werde ich wirklich jedes Mal dicker??? Ich mache so lange schon Sport mein Bauch wird nicht dünner sondern dicker, wofür mache ich dann das ganze ????
So, you take PRO TAG (!!!) 2-3 kilograms. That would be a year Additional 912.5 kg. And if it wasn’t about a year, it was only about 3 months, it would still be 225 kg.
Now find the mistake.
Can you confuse kilograms with grams?
Did it get wrong, mean that no matter what I eat, when and how much, I take. Whether healthy or not I still take 2 kilos each day, but why? I don’t have to eat it for 2-3 days.
You can’t misunderstand your sentence.
I move a lot and eat enough still to be recognizable on the belly is thick bacon and poor
Food is now not weightless and whoever weighs daily and gets the crisis because of a few hundred grams obviously has not understood the principle of “weighing” because he has an eating disorder and problems with self-perception.
Genuine weight gain is due to excessive calorie intake while insufficient movement.
That’s right what you say, but I just don’t understand my body. Dozens of diet made, sometimes just drinking 3 liters of water – my weight rose. I hate this principle on my body. I’m clear that I can’t increase 1 kg a day, why does the weight disappear after I don’t eat?? I still weigh more 🥴
You can repeat it as often as you want. Your statement remains clearly and obviously unrealistic. You seem to confuse weight gain by eating with increase in body weight. If you drink 5 litres of water, you’re 5 kg heavier. But that’s why you’re not taking. Sure.
Nocjmal, I don’t have to eat for the next 2-3 days or eat almost nothing so that I lose what I have taken or my normal state is back
Sport is not the decisive factor in a decrease, but the calorie deficit.
Of course, the weight can always vary between 0 – 3 kilos, as you say about water retention, unfamiliar food…etc.
It may be that the weight will not be less because you add linear to muscle mass. Muscles weigh more than fat.
Or even the most made mistake: you are not in the calorie deficit.
How do I know if I’m in the deficit or not? Because I think I’m so 200-300 in the deficit
By calculating your calorie requirement. On the Internet there are hundreds of computers, simply googles, calculate and eat 300-500 calories less than your needs.
For example:
Let’s just say you burn 2,000 calories a day, then you should take between 1,500-1,700 calories a day.
Normally if you eat too little and then n day times normal, of course, you have to eat more somewhere dss and also digestion is totally sluggish when you eat too little. Dsd isn’t a real increase, so that’s not a fat.
The “normal” is too much for your body. There is no sport, it depends on the calories.
But your bill is wrong anyway.
Or do you expect a child?
What bill now? I’m normal, what’s stupid?
You, but I don’t want to offend you.
You can’t keep 2 – 3 kilos daily. That lasts 30 kilos in 14 days…
I don’t eat anything for the next few days.
As I said, one cannot increase 2-3 kilos a day. See answer Blackwell22
Have you ever done a pregnancy test? 😅😅