Ich möchte nicht immer meinen Lichtschalter suchen und deswegen eine Schnur wo ich einen Zugschalter angemacht habe an die Wand Spannen damit ich nur hoch?
greifen muss um den Lichtschalter zu finden und dran ziehen, gibt es irgend einen extrem robusten Zugschalter? Und was benötige ich alles für elektronische Teile?
So soll es circa aussehen.
Vielleicht auch ohne Feder.
Habt ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge?
There are good and old-fashioned also light switches with integrated glow lobsters for fast finding with switched-off light. Goods/are, for example, also (still) widely used, for example, as a stairwell switch with integrated changer for the chimney.
The simplest solution for you would be a bedside lamp, socket is safe. There are also “light switch remotes” aka radio switch (as from 20€), but there should be an electrician. Also possible are radio sockets (as from 30€). They plug into the socket, then the lamp in there, and then you can turn the light on and off at the touch of a button. Can then glue/screw a remote control to the room door and place the other on the bedside table. Look for “light switch remote control”, there are things offered to you.
Thanks for the idea, but then I have to look for the remote control. 😥
Don’t go to the nightstand? You can really make everything complicated….
I also see a switch that is always in the same place, you will find after a few nights even when you wake up from deep sleep.
Is evolutionary so anchored, who doesn’t know where his weapons are at night when a cave bear attacks that dies. That is why they have not been able to propagate so often and have died.
There are fluorescent switches and luminous, you don’t have to look for them.
but they are disturbing when they always shine:(
I’d rather take something in real smarthome or just keep a dessert lamp.
Night table lamp is the problem because I never find the switch, and at the Smarthome I have to make a voice command, which my parents are sure to wake up in the next room.
No lamp with touch. There are also Smarthome things that you can control in the app.
Take an acoustic switch
Or via Smart Home
Then nix had to search
I’ve already thought about it, but then you don’t have to clap loudly and activate them often accidentally?
Just say “Alexa Licht An” or just about Smart Home. It is quite cozy
Let it go
So how do I do it now?