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I don’t hold birds myself. But I know you can’t keep them alone. Parrots such as Amazons or grey parrots also require enormous space and employment opportunities. You can also be very loud… what neighbors might possibly disturb. Even with the great customs, like the beautiful Aras… which are often referred to as “Papageien”, this is not a different thing.
Even small birds need a lot of space if you don’t want them to have a sad existence on a small stem in the cage.
However, in a large volume one could offer a beautiful and varied life. Your whisper doesn’t seem so loud to me personally… (I always think there’s a little for the neighbor, because I live in a house with many people ^^’)
But if you’re desperately looking for something in the direction of “Papagei”, maybe small agapornids would be a possibility. They are small and beautiful to look at, but can also be quite “laut”. I’ve been to someone who has converted a whole room for these beautiful parrots.
As already mentioned, birds are usually never kept alone.
In addition to the waves mentioned, there are still many other species. It should be distinguished between customs and parrots, of which there are also smaller species, such as e.g. long wing parrots (e.g. Mohrenkopfpapageien, etc.).
In your place, if you have no idea yet, look for a special bird forum where you can inform you about the species that are in question.
In your area, there is also a bird park or a bird breeder’s club where you can inform yourself on site (also regarding volume etc.).
From larger parrots, I would be discouraged for space and volume.
Grandpapages are extremely difficult to keep up with!
They have very high demands (free flight, employment,…) and if you can’t do justice to them, it’s really unlustful: you can really bite with their beak, shy the furniture and fight with each other. If they are unhappy, some parrots even get their own feathers!
So, if you do, pet pages!
And especially important: Never hold a parrot alone!
Get a little squirrel that belongs to the parrots. Another parrot must not be kept at home in DE because it would be animal torture.
Ok but why keep so many Amazon parrots or gray parrots
is just a question nothing against you
A parrot. If at least 2
And the way: how much space do you have for the birds and what can you afford?
Ok 2 I should check first
Good plan.
Only free-lived parrots are good parrots.
You lack the human maturity to parrots, as your question shows here.
I’m sorry I don’t know so well about that, so do I ask?