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As a compromise, you could first change to Cola Light/Zero and give your water a calorie-free flavor improver, for example this Waterdropz. Then gradually reduce the Cola. An energy-free variant is also important for taking off.
Buy a well mineralized water such as Gerolsteiner or Fachinger and drink on it. Give yourself a couple of days for it, and I’ve got it worked.
It would be optimal if you have no more cola or juice in the house. At least for the next few weeks. So you avoid a fall back into the old habit.
I find AirUp very good there is also Cola taste where you think you drink Cola, but it is water.
Do not buy any other drinks except the water then it will be easier for you to fall because you can’t get into temptation.
Don’t buy and drink water
Drink water.
Don’t buy shit that makes you sick. Take off doesn’t matter.