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You can try it yourself.
You can do that without problems. Hygiene is very important. Start the first time with a 12CH size catheter and first test it. Later it is possible to increase the diameter as it makes a “mouse”. catheter set can be bought in pharmacies or online pharmacies.
Little hint. Pushing forward slowly at the first time, just before the bubble inlet, comes a small resistance. Then you get into the bladder and urine runs out of the catheter. Now push about 1-2cm and then block the catheter so that it remains in the bubble. However, there are also catheters for one-time urination, these are not blocked but are pulled again after emptying.
Manuals for each type can be found with Google.
In any case, no serious job. There is no reason to take a risk without compelling reasons.
There should be prostitutes (in SM-Studios) that offer this.
Thank you.
Try? That’s nothing you try.
Laying a bladder catheter is a medical procedure used by doctors to ensure urinal drainage and that is certainly nothing pleasant or something you should do with yourself.
At the Urologen.
Even if it is not medically necessary?
No, no one can be so stupid.
Trying a bladder catheter……
You don’t really want that, believe me!!
And just like trying out, nobody does that with a healthy person who doesn’t need a bladder catheter.
Ask a nurse…
I have to be in the hospital for this.
No, go home too.
My goodness!
Be glad you don’t need it.
No one’s doing it like that. It’s all but pleasant… and not even harmless.