Ich möchte einen clk 320 kaufen und bitte um Rat?

Es handelt sich um einen Clk 320. Er ist schon 200 000 km gelaufen. Baujahr beträgt 2002.

Preis: 5500€

das hier ist die Fahrzeug Beschreibung:

Motor und Getriebe laufen einwandfrei.

Es ist seit 2 Jahren in meinem Besitz und in dieser Zeit wurden viele Verschleisteile erneuert wie z.B. beide Querlenker, Spurstange, Zündkerzen(12Stück), Öl + Ölfilter + Luftfilter, Bremsscheiben + Bremsbeläge und Bremsschläuche vorne + hinten, Getriebelager und eine Achsvermessung. 

Tüv hat es im Februar ohne Mängel bekommen. 

Es ist eine Duplex Auspuffanlage von Fox verbaut und steht auf 19“ Alufelgen mit 2 neuen Sommerreifen, die im Fahrzeugschein eingetragen sind. 

Es hat vom Werk aus ein Sportfahrwerk und Bose Soundsystem mit Aux-Anschluss.

Kilometer können abweichen, da das Fahrzeug noch gefahren wird.

(2 votes)

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3 years ago

I’m driving a CLK 320 myself. But a W208 and no W209.

I wouldn’t take this car. For several reasons. The W209 is far from as reliable as the 208. Then it looks bad. The rims, deepened and the black discs. Who knows how the car was handled.

Besides, I think you’ll get a 208 with less kilometers for the money or even less.

What you should pay attention to: rust trunk. Also under the handle. It blossoms fast. Then take a look at the cycles. The rest is quite uncritical. Engine and gear is absolutely reliable. Should be well maintained. And then it’s helpful if you can screw something yourself. Because the friendly Mercedes dealer around the corner can be expensive.

Otherwise, the 208 is a great car which is very much fun and I can definitely recommend.

3 years ago

These CLK models are made rust beads. Technically solid, but often rain on the lazy, on the sill and on the bikes. Just look

3 years ago
Reply to  Samirfkdkdnd

Okay, the newer model, still look closely if you want to look at it.

3 years ago

No. Not sure. It had to decide.

He’d be too old with too many miles. There may be expensive repairs coming to you in the next few years. The box is 19 years old!

3 years ago

I wouldn’t take this. For 5500 euros, there are already very nice, hand-picked first hand samples from the CLK with around the 130-170,000 kilometers – this one would definitely stand on the basis of his pictures, but also because of the salted & not justified price. This is not only too expensive for the visible counter value, but also looks like Bastelbude. Those who soak up their car are rarely really pleasing about it or are happy to give you rubber, but also lets the customer service fail.

The typical vulnerabilities of the CLK related to the C-Class W203 have already been discussed, except for rust, anything in the sense of dramatic; old Benz are easier than many other used cars. A lot is also dependent on equipment, such as clamping sliding roofs, defective ELCODE keys (300 euros) or disturbed COMAND systems. That only in case you continue to be interested in the series. Technically, the cars are diffizil. The M271 four-cylinder engines tend to be problems with chains, the old 320-six cylinder will disappoint you by rough motor running, strap force development for performance and high consumption.

3 years ago

Rust without the end of the boxes. Especially since your here sounds pretty damned

3 years ago
Reply to  Samirfkdkdnd

This is also in the area of the rear side parts and under the bumper a very bad grate bud. At the CLK Mercedes has saved everything