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Will gucken ob er mich austrickst
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NAYAX SAGT DANKE*Hering Sanikonzept GmbH DEUTSCHEBAHN Preis 1,-€ Was könnte das sein?
plentiful equity, about 5 million euros. Two managing directors and personal reliability.
Then a business plan. If all this is checked, the managing directors must arrange the bank oragnisatorically so that it meets all the minimum requirements.
Best regards
A bank license. License
This will be nothing
Especially a lot of money. It doesn’t work under €100 million!
Not even Sparkasse has 100M!!
Laber no garbage
Of course they have.
You can forget.
Any amount of capital and knowledge of how to do it.
As you ask here: still immense knowledge, capital and courage.
what do you mean? Can you become something more concrete?
A license… a lot of success!
Several million euros.
they’re putting people together
yo, Wirecard II
You don’t get far with this knowledge.
Ever heard of equity? Customer deposits are liabilities ….
I have had enough
Then you know what you need.
I didn’t talk about him either.
no, does not belong to general education