I would like to buy a hard drive where I can store games and videos.
Hi, I would like to buy a hard drive where I can store games and videos.
I found 2 on Amazon but the prices are so different.
Can someone explain to me why the first one is much cheaper or if it's a fake? (both 16TB)
I think the second is definitely fake. 16TB for under 100 euros? Wow, everybody would buy one.
My 2TB SSD from SanDisk has already cost 140 euros. 16TB is absolutely impossible for under 100 Euros. Not even getting an HDD in size for this price
Apart from that, 16TB hard drive for games and videos? Are you sure you need so much?
thought the more the better in the future. ooha 140€ for 2tb 😮 I also find a lot. bought my 60€ 2tb https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07DQ91XNK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but is no longer available on amazon
but it looks similar : Other
Well, the two are HDD’s. The first link in your question is also a HDD. The second link is an SSD and there is the difference. An HDD is significantly cheaper than an SSD. That’s why the 95 euros or what that was from the second link are absolutely alien to reality. That’s why I wrote that my 2TB SSD already cost 140 euros.
However, if you want to take an HDD, which is completely OK and sufficient for videos, you will naturally get away much cheaper. You need to make sure that HDD or SSD
Thank you
Brother that’s because the one ne absolute high end hard drive is, and the other last cheap no name, which doesn’t even work properly. And you never need 16 terrabytes in life, at most two, more one. If you have a desktop PC, I would advise you to an internal hard drive. keyword Samsung 970 EVO. It also has a much better speed
Thank you
I’ll refer to the dealer’s page
Thank you