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Tach :
in principle yes – but not without fees.
“Private sellers will charge a 5% fee of the maximum bid, but not more than EUR 20.00. Alternatively, you can sell the article to the maximum bidder at any time. “
You should leave that better, because from the first command, your article is sold.
If you cancel a running auction prematurely, the maximum bidder at the outbreak can to his visible supreme command successfully sue:
Click: eBay auctions: Cancel can be expensive
Click: Offers on eBay are authentic
Click: Internet Law – eBay – at low price
Click: Damage compensation for unauthorized broken eBay auction
Click: Disclaimer of eBay auctions
That’s not what you put in the article and you have to sell it now.
What does “replace” mean in connection with ebay?
do you want to finish the auction? If you do this, the current maximum bidder has automatically won the auction.
Exactly I want to finish the action and you have to pay fees
You have to sell. You want that. (Ebay is free for private sellers.)
If bids have already been made, it is not so easy. That’s all in the Ebay rules.
I don’t want to sell, it’s not a good reason. :
so delete, then put mkit ebay directly in connection