Ich möchte 1.90m werden, aber leider leider ausgewachsen mit maximal 1.83m (morgens gemessen) was tun?
Was tun
Was tun
Die Frage geht vorallem an die, die absichtlich dick geworden sind. Habt ihr es ab einem gewissen Punkt bereut dick gewordeb zu sein? Wenn ja, wann war das? Habt ihr dann wieder abgenommen? Wieviel Übergewicht habt/hattet ihr? Bitte keine Diskussion ob Übergewicht ungesund ist.
Hi Leute Ich versuche seit sehr lange abzunehmen aber ich Kriege es nicht hin. Es gibt immer den Jojo Effekt. Ich wiege momentan 64kg und will auf 50 runter. Ich will am besten etwas was nicht so sehr mit Sport zu tun hat. Wenn es geht vielleicht eine Methode um relativ schnell abzunehmen. Vielen dank…
Ich war am WE auf nem Fussballspiel in meiner Gruppe. Ein Kollege hat wohl was zugenommen u seine Freundin hat ihn in den Bauch gepiekst und dumme Sprüche abgegeben. Darauf meinte rr in meine Richtung“ Er mit 33 immer noch kräftig“. So dick bin ich garnicht. Habe mich dann auch geärgert u nix dazu gesagt….
I wanted to grow up to 1.80m. I’m just 1,73. I used to be very shy and had a very low self-consciousness. Also because of my size, and because of my red hair. And because I was shy, I was excluded or excluded myself. And because I was excluded, my self-consciousness was even lower. That’s 50 years ago.
I met a young man last night. About 1.70m tall. Sympathetic, intelligent, self-conscious. His father’s playing with me at the football club. He was only about 1.65m tall. Of course, 1.65m is a disadvantage. But it’s just a property of many.
An IQ of 90 is also a disadvantage. Or if you are unsportable, unmusical, unsympathetic.
Be happy. it only works 7 cm. And being big is not everything.
It only works 7cm? This can only be written by one who has grown up with platter German. But I don’t think it’s bad. There are worse spelling errors here. And I don’t think they’re bad either.
Normally, humans only grew up with 21 and in some cases only with 24. So you have time, otherwise you will determine how big you will. Your great-grandfathers can appreciate how big you can be, but that’s not a guarantee.
Leg extension surgery in China. 😄 I would also like to be big, but nature is not fair.
There’s nothing to do. Either you can make the rest or not. I don’t think
Be happy. Many are smaller.
yes life is not a wish concert. At some point, you are old enough to understand that that is the most unimportant at all
Find out why the size is important to you and realize that nothing changes
You can’t change anything. So you have to accept it
The leg extension is currently very modern 😁
Living with your size
Gene, can’t do anything. No organic at school. ?
Find out.