Ich mag es gemobbt zu werden?
Immer wenn mir irgendwelche Leute irgendwelche Fragen so stellen dann beantworte ich sie so, das die mich danach nicht mehr mögen und mobben. Ich liebe irgendwie das Gefühl nicht gemocht und gemobbt zu werden. Ist das normal? M/12
No, it’s not normal. It can be good that you have had bad experiences or have a low self-confidence, and that’s why you feel comfortable when you’re treated badly. You should work on it urgently, for example by building up your self-confidence and questioning your past and experiences. It also helps to talk about it, best with a trusted adult.
In my opinion, this is not very normal. I’d advise you to do something. It’s one thing if you don’t care what other thinking, but another one if you’re being pampered. I’d really do something about it. You’re not a walker.
So I don’t think it’s normal. Especially at your age, friends are particularly important.
You’re deliberately unpopular. I don’t understand the behavior.
“I’m not liked” and “mobbing” are differences.
No, it’s not “normal” to want to be rejected.
Is probably a kind of inferiority complex paired with a lack of self-image and a reduced self-respect.
Those who find this horny had probably experienced some kind of helplessness at some point in life, and in his ego it was censored that one now thinks that this condition is normal, and that one is worth nothing.
What is not the case.
Think your parents are worse in any case and you’re just testing yourself with it? It’s a good reason. Normal or not is irrelevant.
You probably have masochistic tendencies.
Is that bad?
Only for you there is normal – others will soon perceive you as vomiting.
Probably some fetish
What’s that now?
He doesn’t write on a good question to google things afterwards.
What is a fetish