Ich mache mir wegen jeder Kleinigkeit Sorgen?


Ich bin so komisch. Wenn ich glücklich bin, suche ich immer einen Grund, das nicht zu sein und denke über alles viel zu viel nach. Ich weiß ja, dass das unnötig ist. Warum bin ich so, wie kann ich das ändern?

Bitte keine Antworten wie: mach dir einfach keine Sorgen.


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10 months ago

Being overthinker is corrosive – I’m fine.

I often have a plan A and B – which then calms me down because I am prepared for a worse situation. I don’t need preparation for a better situation.

10 months ago

Yeah, let’s go to the arse, maybe there’s something that’s happened to the whole thing that you don’t even know it could be. Vllt you are also like any other, every person is worried. There are people who don’t make themselves so many, and some just stop. It doesn’t always have anything to do with the psyche. But as I said, if you think it’s too much, you can still go to the arse. He has more idea than you and I

10 months ago
Reply to  Johanna107

So, as I said, it doesn’t have to be that you really have any disease. I can’t determine this by remote diagnosis.

10 months ago

I’m worried about every little thing

What are you worried about? What is your concern about?

I guess it’s fears… if yes… before?

10 months ago
Reply to  Johanna107

That sounds like fears, and you’ll be asking a lot. Maybe even self-doubt? Uncertainty?

If you know the URSACHE, you can work on it*…. look exactly what worries you…