Ich komme in mein snapchat Account nicht rein?
Immer wenn ich versuche mich zu registrieren werde ich in einen neuen Account rein gemacht. Ich war auf meinem alten Account nicht mit handynummer da drin. Und ich weiß mein Passwort nicht mehr hilft mal bitte sonst heul ich. Wenn ich in mein alten Account nicht komme werde ich depressiv
Are you serious? You have a second account and ask the same question??
Yes I need to respond quickly I want this account back
This, however, violates the good question guidelines
Oke harry
It doesn’t change that you have violated the guidelines
I got a problem that was an acc I had for 2 years
Hey, I also don’t have to come in 2 days waiting snapchat is already 👍
Do you think if I wait two days, do I come in??
Must change the e mail
Using the googele Mail
How to do it
Then use the “forgot password” function.
This is the meaning of registering. You log into an already existing account.
But I always get into a new account because there wasn’t even
What do you think it’s a new account?
Check it out?
Oh, okay.
Right now, I guess you’re a ruler. Not logged in
you may know why I’m always being made in a new account
Must look
Are the account data the same?
Because there are no friends on it and so no skin yk