Ich kann nicht aufhören über den Tod nachzudenken?
Seit Wochen denke ich jede Sekunde, wo ich nicht abgelenkt bin, an den Tod.
Ich habe Angst, das meine Familie eines Tages nicht mehr existiert..
Ich habe Angst das jeder plötzlich sterben könnte..
Ich habe Angst eines Tages nicht mehr zu existieren..
Ich kann mir keine Zukunft vorstellen.. Ich war immer alleine, bis auf meine Eltern.. Ich hatte noch nie Freunde.. Und jetzt habe ich dir Höhe meines Lebens überschritten.. Ab jetzt wird alles nur noch schlechter.. Ich werde hässlicher, faltiger, ein Körper der langsam zerfällt.. Und ich habe nicht mit meinem leben gemacht.. Und trotzdem will ich nicht sterben.
Ich kann kaum schlafen nachts, weil ich immer wieder in Tränen ausbrechen an den Gedanken zu sterben.. Was für ein Grausames Spiel ist das Leben.. Man leben kurz, und stirbt.. Nichts weiter..
Was kann ich tun um diese Gedanken auszuschalten??
I have this for a year, but it’s getting better.
I can give you the following thing, what and whether you do it is your thing.
You seem atheist or at least very strong doubts. Honestly, I’m not wondering. You do not belong to any particular religion or others. ABER may dare the step towards faith or spirituality.
There are a lot of books, documentation and articles you can deal with. Unfortunately, some doctors and co. doubt the truth and try to explain it with outdated guesses. ABER very many very large scientists speak for the reality of these experiences. I’ve helped VERY talk about it.
Talk to parents/partners/friends/therapists about your extreme fears. Look what their ideas are or how they may differ with different ages in the way of thinking. I have strong hope to know that the grandparents of my friend see believing and are convinced that something comes. These people are really very old and have gained a lot of experience, which means that they can be trusted more, as they are going to the scientific path. Generally his family and yet they are believing.
Read about different ideas and see what’s best for you rationally. What’s most logical for you. And go very deep and imagine how GENAU TH could feel.
Meditation can also help you calm down as well as the phone calls or chats with the phone care.
Just accept that we are just visiting this earth and that life is finally. Death is a natural part of life regenerated by reproduction. To be afraid of the end is foolish. Fill your existence with everything that makes it worth living. These include friends – why don’t you have one? Think about it and try to find ways to enrich your lifetime. You’re afraid of death because you’re afraid to miss. So give yourself all the best you can. Good luck.
Obviously, you should try with a psychologist.
Better than years ago but must definitely change something
I wish you a nice and stress-poor week – and help.
I’m sorry you feel so overwhelmed. Thoughts about death can be very burdensome and scary. Here are some approaches that might help you:
It is important to take these thoughts and feelings seriously and seek the support you need. You are not alone, and there are people and resources that can help you deal with it.
I know you’ve copied the text of ChatGPT, you’ve already asked
Okay, if the text didn’t help you, then here’s my personal thoughts:
So first you’re not alone. There are people everywhere in the world, even if you only go shopping, you meet them. Find a hobby where you can connect to others.
you will find people who will keep to you also in your worst phases. And if not you will find other ways. On the subject with the outer decay, you’re right you’ll get more wrinkle gray hair maybe you’re going to look physically and psychologically worse with increasing time but think it’s not all in life. Look at the rich out there like Elon musk. No, but he has money and is still happy. So it can’t have to do with how you are. Don’t give up yourself and fight for you and your family because I’m sure they wouldn’t want you to be sad
Why so sad? Just because something started doesn’t mean it’s lost forever. On the day we die, we are either caught up by God or not. Depending on what we were going through and what our deeds were, it will decide whether we will continue to exist or not with all our loved ones in eternity.
Look, that sounds so hard, but we all won’t exist any more. This is the course of things and probably it will also have its reasons so that we do not understand.
I found out about mortality. I’m Christ, I believe in an eternal life after death. I’m not afraid of death. That I’m not very afraid, that’s my faith. I therefore believe that death is not all over.
If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.
But Jo the weeks you’re hurting are the most wasted time.
I don’t want to cry or think about it, the thoughts come and I can’t stop crying