Ich kann mich nicht lange auf etwas konzentrieren was mich nicht interessiert und was mir keinen Spaß macht warum behaupten einige es sei ein Problem 🤔?
Hi 🙋♀️ ich erzähle erstmal was über mich für die die mich noch nicht kennen. Ich bin 31 Jahre alt und hab ein Handicap. Ich habe motorische Störungen und Gleichgewichtsstörungen. Ich brauche sehr viel Hilfe im Alltag und lebe bei meinen Eltern. Ich bin innerlich auch sehr kindlich und verträumt. Ich habe auch viele Anzeichen für Autismus weshalb das auch getestet wird. Am 10 Dezember habe ich den ersten Termin dafür. Jedenfalls war das bei mir glaube ich schon immer so, dass ich nur dann wirklich länger konzentriert bleiben kann wenn mich die Sache auch wirklich sehr interessiert und mir Spaß macht. Ansonsten drifte ich nach wenig Zeit ab und konzentriere mich eben wieder auf etwas was mir Spaß macht. Ich persönlich finde das eigentlich überhaupt gar nicht schlimm. Wer mich kennt der weiß ja auch wie ich ticke. Ich träume dann vor mich hin wenn mich was nicht interessiert. Oder ich zücke mein iPhone hervor. Oder ich beobachte irgendwas zum Beispiel Vögel draußen oder schau einfach so aus dem Fenster. Ab und zu hab ich in der Grundschule damals Anpfiff bekommen. Dabei war es schon eine Schule für behinderte Kinder. In diesen behinderten Werkstätten wo ich mal war war es genau dasselbe. Man verlangte von mir, dass ich wirklich immer zu 100% da war und aufmerksam war. Das ist aber sehr anstrengend für mich. Das lange zuhören und den Blickkontakt halten und so weiter.
Warum verstehen manche Leute nicht, dass ich das halt einfach nicht kann?
Love LillyFee93112. 💖
I think it’s quite normal that you’d rather get involved with things that are fun.
If you do something and suddenly you lose the pleasure or it gets boring, you do something different.
This is of course not possible in school and in professional life. There’s gotta be focus and go through things.
You’ll add that you’ve got no more handicaps.
Dear LillyFee93112, if your family and you have no problem with it, everything is good. I know you a little and I know that it’s perfectly right for your parents and for you that you’re like you. How to get it right Whoever has a problem with you or your kind has had bad luck. I know you’re kind as you are. 💖
💕 greetings star
This is certainly due to the fact that most people are closing on others.
Where they themselves do not know this handicap, they do not necessarily reveal it to others.
In addition, mental illnesses are not recognizable externally in many cases. Broken arm – plaster, aha. …
So some people will notice that you are acting differently than they expect (in the situation) but to accurately classify why that is so, hardly one will get at first sight.
Yeah, that could be. I myself take a medicine in school that alleviates a little (Medikinet; that promotes concentration), but if I didn’t take that, that happens to me.
Because there are things they have to be done. Whether they’re fun or not. This type of problem has in a certain sense many people. Only in most cases isn’t as difficult as with you.
And if you don’t do these things. She has to do another. or these things may become a problem for yourself.
Remember, I’m not about criticizing you here. There are people who need permanent help and you seem to be one of them. And that’s okay.
It is difficult to carry out these things, especially in the case of psychic things such as autism. in a blind one, it is obvious that the one who, for example, cannot cross the road without help. That he can’t get certain things.
Someone who doesn’t work anymore looks at his problems.
Someone who basically has no obvious deficit. Just mentally different than others. Don’t look at it right away. And this is simply hard to do for some people.
In the case of a school for disabled and disabled workshop, the supervisors would show more understanding. I can’t tell you why this isn’t the case. There may be a missing diagnosis with pure or possibly also a false diagnosis.
Hi 🙋 ♀️ I am not yet diagnosed with anything except for the physical reason we want to do this now
that could be a reason why you were expected to focus in school and in the disabled workshop. Because you weren’t there because of your concentration, but because of others. And they might have noticed them. But from the cognitive side just full viability awaited from you.
What makes sense is to do this. Because only because someone has motor problems you should not treat them like someone who also has mental problems. I think that’s quite a guardian.