Ich kann mein Penis nicht nach unten dehnen bzw. er ist immer in steifen Zustand oben er guckt nach oben?
Ich versuche mein Penis nach unten zu machen aber es tut weh also ich versuche es oft zu dehnen damit ich ein bisschen mehr damit machen kann aber kriege es nicht hin
This is a quite normal variant that occurs in many guys and men. You can’t change that either. Also by stretching or other exercises not. You can perform all the sexual functions he is destined for. By the way, it’s better than if he shows down at your age. It will certainly do so in 25 years at the latest.
Don’t worry. If one day you put your dick in a woman or a man, the curvature will not make any problems. That’s it. Dances are not dimensional work and can be curved in various directions. No one is too bent as if you can’t have sex with him, and when you wash it, take it as it is shaped.
That’s completely normal, I can’t even push it down. Do not make a head in puberty it hurts more than when you are older
Penisses are curved differently and not straight. Just like bananas. It’s just that. It is possible to operate with very strong curvature.
It’s normal. My friend always has him up in stiff (without crumble)
Let’s do some things, he knows better, :))