Ich kann keine Menschen mehr vertrauen was tun?
Es ist heutzutage wirklich schwierig, Vertrauen zu Menschen aufzubauen, da man oft enttäuscht wird. Ich dachte, ich hätte einen coolen Freund kennengelernt – wir waren dreimal essen. Doch dann stellte sich heraus, dass er mir meinen Erfolg nicht gönnt. Als ich ihm erzählte, dass ich bei einem Patienten 600 € Umsatz mache, sagte er nur: „Dafür musst du aber jeden Tag hingehen.“ Generell fällt es mir schwer, anderen Menschen zu vertrauen, da ich in meinen frühen Zwanzigern schon oft enttäuscht wurde, selbst von Menschen, die ich für gut hielt. Viele sind von Neid erfüllt und unzufrieden mit sich selbst. Deshalb überlege ich auch, Social Media zu löschen. Ich bin Anfang 20
So there’s no real means to trust people. It’s important that you don’t trust people so quickly if you give people too soon the feeling that you trust them, most of them will take advantage of it, so you still have to have a distance to people, so that you can see things from a clear perspective. Deleting social media is always quite sensible and the best you can give to your psyche….
The link naturally requires a Google account. If he doesn’t work, write me private again. I think he’s not going. Either your browser / Android does not support epub format. On the PC this is done by any browser. I installed Moon Reader on my smartphone.
The last sentence is a good decision. But nothing changes your fear. Here you go
How to analyze people with dark psychology
The book has opened my eyes when it comes to colleagues. I felt too often acquitted by the nice colleague and took it personally. It was her own fear of me. I’d never have come to it. In doing so, I politely asked her to stop this, because I don’t feel comfortable and it would be rude. Normally, that would have been a sign for her that I was cool.
What is the name of the book of the link cannot be opened
What do you want me to cancel contact with him he’s just negative and negative people I don’t need in my life
Just cancel the contact if he doesn’t give you anything and doesn’t show any interest in it. My fress, my ex knew the day better or wanted to make fun of the videos. In that case, you just have to stand behind your point of view. I don’t see anything wrong. No wonder that you have problems with other people as fast as you are at sorting out
It’ll take time! You have to get to know a person right first to know if you can trust her, you know that only when you know the person well and long (especially personally).