Ich kann doch mit dem Schokoticket vom Ennepetal/Gevelsberg/Hagen Hauptbahnhof nach Krefeld fahren oder?
Hey zusammen,
sorry das ich etwas lost bin, nur bin etwas unsicher darüber ob ich mit meinem Schokoticket mit dem Zug von Hagen oder Gevelsberg/Ennepetal nach Krefeld (HBF) fahren kann ohne irgendwelche Probleme oder Zusatztickets. Eigentlich müsste es ja gehen, da es ja im VRR Bereich liegt oder nicht.
Danke im vorraus
Hello, actually you can drive the route with the Re7 the problem could only be because the one that drives over Cologne is just in the VRS but you don’t get out of it because it should go without a problem with the chocolate ticket
All clear thanks for the answer
No, that’s wrong.
The continuous RE 7 must not be used with VRR tickets between Solingen and Dormagen because this section is outside the VRR.
It is possible to drive from the direction of Hagen with RE 4, RE 13 or S 8 to Düsseldorf or Neuss and to change it there.
Why did this rule have been introduced Start and finish are in the Vrr you don’t get out of it, but thought it already because it goes over Cologne
Ps:has mentioned that it is not 100% possible
Yes, that’s true again
Practically, in any case, hardly anyone becomes the RE 7, e.g. Hagen or Wuppertal take advantage of the journey via Cologne to Krefeld, because the connections with changeover in Düsseldorf or Neuss are significantly faster than the departure via Cologne.
For the route section of RE 9 in Rhineland-Palatinate, there are corresponding regulations for the validity of VRS and NRW tickets.
Then I can. However, it still understands impractical because both Vrr is just passing through the VRS
The Re 9 also drives a piece through Rhineland-Palatinate and the NRW tariff is still valid
There was no rule introduced. It is simply that VRR tickets are not valid outside the VRR.
In the case of this line, of course, this is somewhat unfortunate, but there is no exception.
According to the original concept, the RE 7 should not even drive to Krefeld but to Aachen, instead the RE 9 to Krefeld. If it had remained in this line, the problem would not occur at all, but the two line branches were subsequently exchanged to reduce delays.
If you don’t want to go over Cologne with the RE 7, it’s okay.
Yes, you can go to Krefeld, but you must not use the RE 7 through Cologne because it leaves the VRR area in between.