Ich höre Stimmen?
Ich bin innerlich ehrlich tot. Ich habe kein Lebenswille mehr. Ich höre Stimmen.. Ich bilde mir Sachen ein. Hilft mir.. ich kann nicht schlafen.
Ich bin innerlich ehrlich tot. Ich habe kein Lebenswille mehr. Ich höre Stimmen.. Ich bilde mir Sachen ein. Hilft mir.. ich kann nicht schlafen.
Meine Nase ist so zu und der scheiß hilft null, kann ich Nasenspray nehmen?
Urlaub, Amsterdam , Niederlande
Seit ihr im Moment zufrieden mit eurem Leben oder nicht. Mit Erklärungen wenn’s geht.
Hallo ich habe geträumt das meine Bff aus dem Fenster gefallen ist.
Hallo, die Frage handelt um meine Schwester. Wir haben 2 Jahre Unterschied und sind beide Mitte 20… ich verstehe ihr Problem nicht, sie ist jeden Tag anders zu mir. Heute unternehmen wir gemeinsam was & am nächsten Tag verhält sie sich respektlos und frech gegenüber mir. Und wenn ich dann meine Meinung sage heißt es…
Wenn man einfach keine Kraft für mehr hat und die freien Tage (mehr als nur das Wochenende) braucht, um zur Ruhe zu kommen. Einem wird aber von der Familie, dem Staat usw. gesagt, man müsse mehr arbeiten, weil sie diejenigen sind, die einen finanziell unterstützen.
If you hear voices, you should talk to a doctor as soon as possible. Often, chronic insomnia, drug use, exhaustion or too little food and drink can trigger such conditions, or just show a beginning schizophrenia. All are reasons to go to the doctor. With a timely treatment (which can be very effective nowadays), the symptoms can be alleviated and you can get better “back into the track”.
” I’m really dead inside. “
🙄 But that doesn’t look like you’re dead inside, on the contrary, in your interior it’s going right. Since you have not described what the voices you think you should hear, because they could be both good and evil, so I can only advise you to seek psychological help and help your part if you are offered a suitable therapy.
Trust in any case belongs to your willingness to help you. That you still have enough will for life in you proves your question of which you expect helpful answers.
So just sit around what you got here and have confidence that you think it’s good with you and can also be helped, because only who can help you can be helped.
🙄 What exactly is it?
I’m so sorry to hear you feel that way, GernanTuad900. That sounds incredibly heavy and burdensome. You go through an enormous emotional crisis, and I want to help you with some important thoughts and advice.
First: It is extremely important to talk to someone about what you feel and experience. Please consider urgently to use professional help. A therapist or psychologist could help you better deal with your sadness and the voices you hear. You’re not alone, and there are people who are trained to help you in exactly these moments.
A few steps that might give you some relief:
1. Talk to someone you trust: whether friend, family member or someone in your environment who has an open ear. Just don’t lock everything in you.
Two. Create a room of tranquility: music you love, a soothing fragrance, or maybe a warm blanket that wraps you up.
3. Write up your thoughts: Sometimes it helps to write all the burden out of your head, even if it feels pointless.
4. Relaxation techniques: breathing exercises or meditation (there are many apps or YouTube videos that can guide you).
But really, the most important thing:
Please find professional support. There is no reason to fight you alone through such a storm, and you deserve to feel hope and relief again. There are clinics, emergency hotlines and pastoral care services that can help you when the situation becomes overwhelming.
I know it may seem impossible now, but you still have a value and a meaning in this world. There’s light, even if you can’t see it right now. You’re worth helping.
You are like this in crisis chat
Log in stationary for a couple of weeks in a psychiatry.(if otherwise it is no longer possible.)
Otherwise, sport, meditation and cognitive training(e.g. on the neuronation app) can be very helpful for mental health in general.(also in schizophrenia)
Otherwise sleep and nutrition is very important. Buy a bracelet (e.g. a smartwatch) that monitors sleep, so you have an overview of how long and how good you sleep and can optimize your sleep.
before you talk to yourself a lot better and let you absolutely help the same murder or injury is no way out there is so much that makes life worth living
Did you stay awake too long? I sometimes hear sounds when I’m too tired.
Sounds like schizophrenia, let’s try it.
How to get into heaven: http://www.weg-zum-himmel.com
It’s normal, but talk to telephone services ))
You’ve made yourself panties for alleged criminals. Look for a doctor.
They’re honest with Nix. You don’t check me out