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No, that was totally average.
An IQ of 100 is exactly the average.
The IQ – i.e. intelligence quotient – indicates how high the intelligence of a particular person is compared to a representative group. Depending on the current circumstances, these are other groups of persons: If the person tested via an IQ test is currently in the 1st class of primary school, this is compared with primary students at the same age, the person tested via an IQ test is just in the 8th class of the grammar school, this is compared to Gymnasiast at the same age, the person to be tested via an IQ test is just in the 2nd grade of the Bachelor, this is compared with…
In addition, the IQ values are distributed normally – which means as much as: most people within the considered reference group (=68%) have an IQ between 85 and 115. This section is therefore also referred to as an average area. The following shall apply: There are just as many people on the right side that have an IQ of over 100 as on the left side that have an IQ of under 100. This means that the normal distribution described here is a Gaussian bell curve.
Around 95% of the reference group are between 70 and 130 with their IQ. Very high IQ values are as rare as very low IQ values: Only 2% of the tested have a very high IQ, which is above 130, or a very low IQ, which is below 70.
Best regards
This information comes from my biology study, my geoscience study, my geography study, quotient%20%(…); Called 07 May 2023; quotient; Called 07 May 2023;…); Called 07 May 2023 and calculation-stchastics/probability distributions/stetige distributions/normal distribution-gausssche-glocken curve; Called 07 May 2023.
This is an absolute average, which I would rather not like to say about your questions and your spelling.
The IQ is always standardized to 100, independent of age.
the age is already taken into account in the calculation, which makes the question unnecessary … 99 is anyway average – apart from the fact that the IQ is unimportant …
slightly below average
Children: 99 is 100-1
The tension moves downward
No IQ is accurately measurable. An IQ of 100 is therefore in “truth” a value between 110 and 90. Therefore, an IQ of 99 says nothing compared to hundreds.
for each point
Kleiner: Ever heard of the standard deviation? Look at the NOrmal distribution.