Ich hatte meine Periode zwei Mal, wie berechne ich den Eisprung?
Ich hatte letzten Monat meine Periode, dann kurze Zeit später meine Pille abgesetzt, sodass ich im September meine Periode zwei Mal hatte. Auf welche Periode muss ich mich beziehen, wenn ich die ungefährenen Eissprünge berechnen möchte, wie auf dem Bild?
I would first record 3 cycles of the period and measure temperature, on the day of ovulation the temperature rises and remains up to the period.
This allows you to better calculate the cycle without taking pills. I wouldn’t be able to do anything, it’s just gonna have to play in and that can take a few months.
It is not predictable when the ovulation is now, you can recognize at most also on the transparent, viscous.
You can also talk to the gynecologist again.
Good for you.
Probably both wasn’t your right period.
The first was the bleeding and the second through the hormone conversion. It may take several weeks or months before the first ovulation comes.
I had unprotected GV on Saturday and Sunday and wanted to calculate the ovulation. I took the pill after today but I don’t know if she made any sense at all. I don’t know exactly when I had the two bleedings
Probably you had some ovulation.
Why do you take the pill after you think the ovulation was already?
The ovulation always comes 14 days before the period.
In your case, I think you had neither ovulation nor period after that.
I don’t know if the ovulation has already been