Ich hasse meine mutter über alles was soll ich tun?
Ich bin w/12 und ich hasse meine Mutter so sehr das ich wenn ich sie anschaue,hoffe das die bald stirbt. Sie löst so viel Hass in mir aus wie es noch keiner zu vor getan hat. Deswegen bin ich eigentlich immer wütend und verletze schnell andere Menschen. Sie ist so narzistisch und arrogant. Sie sagt das wenn ich mich noch ein Mal ritze das sie mich schlagen wird. Ich will so gerne weg von ihr. Sie versucht jedes mal mich schlecht darzustellen und das ich mich schlecht fühle für etwas was sie gemacht hat. Ich habe jeden Tag diesen Hass ihn mir. Jeden Tag fängt sie Streit an. Jeden Tag. Ich Weine jeden Tag und will einfach nur noch sterben. Jeden Tag hoffe ich überfahren zu werden auf dem Weg nach Hause. Ich will nicht mehr. Und wenn ich sage sie wär gemein zu mir dann übertreibe ich wieder und bin eine schlechte Tochter. Sie macht mein Leben kaputt. Wann kann ich bitte ausziehen?? Ich halte das nicht länger aus. Sobald ich sage das es mir nicht gut geht dann bin ich wieder undankbar. Weil ich ja alles kriege was ich will. Weil ich essen habe. Weil ich im Urlaub war. Sie kann mir nur Sachen kaufen mehr nicht. Sie unternimmt nix mit mir. Und persönlich will ich das auch nicht weil es eh immer im Streit endet. Bitte sagt mir wie ich das aushalten soll. Ich habe so angst das ich auch so eine Mutter wie sie werde.
Hello. When I was your age, I felt the same way. The whole thing you’ve written here meets my 12-year-old me. I just want to tell you that you’re not alone. At the time, it helped me write entries about feelings and situations, and I also heard a lot of music. You could try talking to familiar people, such as friends or something, but I didn’t do that at the time or don’t do it, because I don’t really talk about feelings and problems. I’m older now, but it wasn’t really much better between me and my mother. I don’t want her or I to die, but hatred is still there. I don’t really know what to do.
Sounds that professional help is necessary. I don’t want to interfere properly, but it should be brought. There are many points of contact. I also need a subject tomorrow, even if completely different.
This sounds very like you and your mother urgently need external assistance (trust teacher, psychologist, family therapist, youth office).
It is easy for another person to put the black Peter in his shoes. Yeah, it’s not great how she treats you, but you’re responsible for how you’re looking for other people, not your mother. If you sleep or kill someone, your mother isn’t responsible, but you!
A narcissist is related. If your mother was a narcissist, she wouldn’t care if you were scratching you or anything else. Narcissists are at the centre and they want to stay. She would use her energy to stay at the centre. This is not what is being beaten. That’s too much energy consumption. She’d put you down verbally. Rebuild yourself, then brush down and so on. If you were in a completely different situation, your mother would be narcissistic.
However, your mother is toxic. But that’s different. She’s got another problem and she’s going out the arguments. She doesn’t want you to scratch. Apparently, you didn’t respond to your normal requests. What led her to go into an overburden. She’s treating you now because she’s overwhelmed with the situation. She says that because she wants you to get scared. But what is not the case is because, hitting is just like scratches. You’d feel something about that blow. She’ll be clear, so she won’t beat you. Because let’s be honest, you’ll change when she hits you and stops scratching? Probably not!
You can end this at any time. However, the terms will not fit you, I am almost sure. If you turn to the youth office and tell them exactly how you wrote this up, you’ll get out of the family. You’re coming to a caring home or a nursing family or even a home and would be gone first. However, you would also get requirements. And you’d have to go to a psychological therapy because of the scratch. You would work up the behavior of your mother there, but also the reason of scratching and the latter could not please you, because you then have to go into you and see where the problem lies and the problem is in place not your mother, but you yourself.
It won’t happen. Either your experiences are so bad that you don’t want to get kids, or you won’t be like your mother, but worse… if you’re not ready for a therapy.
The question that remains, what do you want? If you want to change something, you have to move. As I said, you can end this at any time because you have the right to do so according to the UN Convention on Children’s Rights. You have not only duties, but also rights. If you want to go this way you will need strength and change the will. Jammern is no longer called, but act.
Brutal argues, I don’t know where you got sooo crassed people, and I don’t know what that means, but that’s good. I see it as you do.
I had psychology in my studies and I also go to the 50s myself, which means I have already experienced a lot in life. I have people with mental problems every day at work. But I’m not responsible for making such people better, I’m just in the care. I need to know where the problems lie so that the situation does not tilt, or tilted situations are terminated. I do this for over 20 years in the social area and in the integration of children with handicap. Parents are often worse than children. What the Posting creator wrote, I often have it in the narrower frame. The worst thing I ever experienced was a 5-year-old boy who was already at risk of suicide at that age.
Hey if you want to send me a FA I know the problem
So you’re still young and vllt. You don’t understand. But Ritzen is not beautiful, and you want to die yourself. Well, get some help. You want to pay attention. So my advice simply chooses with professional help such as the school psychologist Reeden but seriously and also don’t lie or leave things away, you have to go inside you and also watch what you did wrong. And then just look at what’s going on.
Find a good therapist.
Let’s get you a trust teacher or the youth office.
This sounds like a tragic psychically-caputed family drama you can only report this to school therapist/school management and youth office.
You need to get help and your mother, but you can’t do it if you don’t She’ll be violent, too.