Ich habe vor, eine Art Wehrwolfgeschichte zu schreiben – Ideen?
Hey 🙂
Ich habe vor, eine Art Wehrwolfgeschichte zu schreiben, aber ich weiss noch nicht genau, was da passieren könnte. Also, es geht um ein Mädchen, dass sich in einen Panter verwandeln kann. Sie hat auch ein Rudel, das sie jeden Abend besucht. Im Rudel sing auch alles Gestaltwandler/Wehrpanter wie auch immer. Keine Ahnung, wie ich es nennen soll :’) Aber da fällt mir schon noch was ein. Also, habt ihr irgendwelche Ideen? Danke im voraus 😀
LG Vane
Either the story plays in a world where ALL turns (Pets become humans???) or you have to condemn a lot. For example, how it can not be noticed that every evening several cats are on the way in a city, like your panther girl (every night!) leaves his house unnoticed and returns (the parents never look if it’s good for the little one at night?) from where she knows what she has to do in the transformation, etc.
Sometimes stories are easier for which you don’t need a dozen “preparation stories”… Fantasy should also remain somehow comprehensible at least within its own requirements.
So, they will live in a village bordering a jungle and there are some panties. People are afraid, but they don’t find it strange. In addition, the girl cares not to be discovered, i.e. she is only going on when the parents sleep
It’s your story, lots of fun writing!
Thank you, but I still helped.
Not really, but Werwolf and Werpanther write without h. It has nothing to do with Wehrmacht and Militaer.
Oh, thank you.
I think the idea is good. I can send you my werewolf history: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AsA0BnEOqvMtghwJbOo8peAvqz1L
No wonder, since such stories are already enough and it is likely that it is difficult to reinvent the genre in an interesting way. (Everything for you, you don’t even get the word Werewolf written error-free, so the problem begins…)
Of course it is difficult to invent a werewolf story, but it is not impossible 🙂
No, but it’s difficult to invent a good one. Or should she be bad?
I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
I don’t want 100%, but I want to try. If nothing happens, I have learned something new 🙂
You’re right.