Ich habe von 5. Klasse auf 11. Klasse 20 kg zugenommen?
Ist das noch normal?
Habe früher sehr wenig gewogen mit 11 scheinbar 33 kg wie ich hier sehe bei einer Größe von 146cm.
Jetzt 155cm 54 Kilo.
Ist dieser Rahmen noch normal??
Mir kommt es bissl viel vor
With me it was the swl with 11 I was about 143cm and 34kg now 13 years 157cm and 49kg so I find it normal♥♥♥
For 155 cm size something too much. About 5 kg. Unless you are under average small for your age and have a somewhat stubborn figure. You grow at age and “stretched”. Watch your diet. Sweets only little, sweet drinks not at all except a little juice choir with 50% water.
All right knows already diet a bit unhealthy so would like to on 50 kg or a bit less so 48 I looked top but sports is so exhausting and all this is so delicious…
Do I understand?
Become also no longer growing growth completed so am even biteless so with body blabla
You know everything – what do you want to hear here? That you’re a lazy couch potato?
Say Holder
Good night – I’m out.
If you tell me what you mean to eat differently then I’m happy and let you rest
Eating differently usually helps. Here you can find great tips on GF.
No how to eat less and motivate yourself to sport because it tastes all so good
Sure, you’ve grown. Your weight is normal to this size.