ich habe seit 1Jahr ein Fahrrad ohne Kaufvertrag auf der Straßevon Ebaykleinanzeige und habe ich weiterverkauft und ich habe Angst dass das Fahrrad geklaut ist?
ich habe Angst dass das Fahrrad geklaut ist und ich habe kein Zeugnis zeigt dass das Fahrrad von ebay gekauft ist
As long as the bike is not a flag list, it happens You nothing.
Thanks for the help
But when the bike shows up
and the police come to me what happens and I get punishment if I have no witness?
Penalty requires evidence. You don’t have to prove that you’re innocent, but the plaintiff has to prove that you stole the bike or knew you were buying a stolen bike.
Then say that you acted in good faith and did not notice any points of reference for stolen bike!
The signs for a dubious purchase should be known to you. You should be careful
a) if you don’t even ring with people, but buy it on the street
b) exceptionally low prices
c) without purchase agreement of ADFC or invoice
So this comes from theft & is Hehlerware & you have sold it on. A warm glow hull
It is possible to check the frame_Nr whether it is in the fading
You can only hope that you are neither with the police nor with the prosecutor’s office. You’ve got your ass.