Ich habe Phasen wo ich gerne mit fremden Menschen reden möchte?

Immer gerne neue und lieber nur online bin in real zu schüchtern . Aber woher kommt der Drang ? Möchte mit denen reden oder schreiben und über verschiedene mögliche Dinge reden .

Aber echte Menschen keine Ki .

Woher kommt der Drang und was kann man tun um es zu unterdrücken?

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1 month ago

Where it comes, you know.

Maybe you have confidence problems and you can’t trust well-known people, but if it’s really the way you can find out yourself.

It’s normal to exchange with other people.

For example, strangers have no opinion of you yet, it seems neutral. But who knows?


1 month ago

That’s normal. If you only talk to people you know you will rarely encounter new angles or impulses. This is the only way to question his own views and attitudes, to look at from other perspectives,

to find new values. Doesn’t call me anything wrong communication. Don’t push that, the need to communicate is as old as the language itself. I’m similar or I wouldn’t have answered.

1 month ago
Reply to  kehIani

Some have more, “owners’ claims”, someone could “toxify” your mind.

But only if the bacon is viewed in its full width you can distinguish what is bright or dark.

1 month ago

That’s the right attitude, no one owns the only truth.

To get to know yourself, you have to make mistakes.

That’s the only way to know who you are.