Ich habe mit Apps 150€ im Jahr 2022 verdient.. Steuern?

Ich habe über das letzte Jahr rund 150€ mit Apps verdient. (Microjobbing)

Im Internet steht, dass man solche Einkünfte bei “sonstige Einkünfte” mit der Freigrenze von 256€ angeben muss.

Sollte man das machen? Ich habe meinen Steuerausgleich bereits gemacht, aber ohne dieser Angabe.

Seien wir mal ehrlich, wir haben doch alle irgendwelche Einkünfte sei es babysitting, Shpock, oder Vermietung privater Gegenstände. Das gibt doch auch keiner an.

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1 year ago

I earned about 150€ with apps last year. (Microjobbing)

On the Internet it says that you have to specify such income for “other income” with the free limit of €256.

Here is already the question whether the whole thing does not drift into a commercial activity that should even be displayed if you do this regularly. Other income is, however, in all cases if it is not commercial.

Should you do that? I have already made my tax compensation, but without this claim.

Of course. Everything else would be tax evasion.

Let’s be honest, we all have any income, be it babysitting, shpock, or renting private items. No one does.

No, I’ll give it all right in the tax return.

1 year ago

Once you have registered a business, you are on the screen of the tax office and you are always registered, even if you have unsubscribed the business. As a low earner, you could risk revenues of EUR 500. There’s nothing coming from the tax office. Of course, the tax evasion is. But you want to sue a hairdresser at 1000 euros. I recently added 20 euros to my technician. Is that what he says?

1 year ago

If an employee with income from non-self-employed work who is subject to the deduction of wages (employeees or pensions), in the sum of ancillary income up to € 410,00, these remain tax-free (§ 46 para. 3 EStG).

Let’s be honest, we all have any income, be it babysitting, shpock, or renting private items. No one does.

If these incomes fall into the area that they are taxable and not tax-free, they will also be declared.

1 year ago

I don’t think that’s going to happen to the tax office. Otherwise, they’ll report. Something like that happened to me