Ich habe meine Internet Ip adresse geleakt was passiert nun?

Ich habe vor kurzer zeit ein tiktok aufgenommen wo ich etwas über die bruce firmware erklärt habe dort ist dann meine ip adresse von meinem wlan router denke ich aufgetaucht. Was kann eine person nun damit machen? ich habe angst das ich gedoxxt werde oder so. Bitte um schnelle antwort!

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1 month ago


Don’t worry about Ddos or whether someone comes home to you the people have something better to do.


1 month ago
Reply to  Chris54457

No who should come do you no stress, you have people with whom you have stress otherwise don’t lösc hdas Vid and good is

1 month ago

No, there’s nothing… I’m really sad that such an incredible base is so unknown to this day.

If you mean your “wlan router IP”, there are directly several IPs that it can be…the router internet IP, your external IP, or if the WLAN router is an extra device whose own local IP.

The local ips don’t itch, nobody can do anything with them.

The external IP can be used at most to see your super rough location or in which city your internet provider is, that was.

1 month ago


you don’t need to be afraid because with the IP address you can check the location or the area, see here yourself:

How is my IP

The IP also does not apply long and is changed at least once a day. If you do the router without current, you will also get a new IP.

Best regards from Leipzig

1 month ago
Reply to  Chris54457

Yes, the videos have nothing to do with it – unless you have done something illegal and it is determined by the police.

1 month ago

well, as mentioned above, the IP addresses are only valid for a short time and this does not use anyone who sees this IP.

1 month ago

this is a private IP address that only works in your home network, but not on the internet. No one can start anything with it and not even determine your location

1 month ago

Since the IP always changes as soon as the router logs in again, you can’t do anything like that.