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Consider what you have at the moment for influencing the outcome.
Being worried doesn’t matter at all – it has no influence.
at no time you find your own work as bad as at the time of the tax.
you know exactly what has not yet been voted, what has been sluggish, what has not become, is what you actually wanted.
while you’ve been working for 10 weeks, the examiner will look at the whole for an hour. While you know every little mistake, he has hardly any time to really duch everything. if he knows you, if he can follow what you’re suggesting when he scores with a at least good-willing, that’s clear what you’ve done. he will probably see it more positive than you, because you are the autor, he in the round only the consumer.
by the way, you gave up. that was running. the fish cleaned. judge decision. Whether you’re celebrating a week or blowing a week cloudy, it won’t change the result.
so be realist. Do your ding, and do not grieve at anything that has not yet occurred, and what is most likely better than you think.
You’re funny. There are two examiners who look at the bachelor’s thesis, and I get my result only in September, so they take not only an hour of time. I don’t know what a university you’re studying.
You’re funny first, because you’re so crazy.
if you think that the two eihnalb monate look at your work, you are also quite naive.
I’m not a student either, I’m going to finish, I know exactly what I’m talking about…
Of course I don’t know what you’re studying. You didn’t tell us that, neither did you tell us what it was. that makes sense, everything else would be a bit indiscreet (and that’s why I don’t tell where I work…)
Stop thinking about it! You made it so far, why should it fail? If you were as bad as you were, you would have given up a lot earlier! Everything’s gonna be fine, distract yourself, sublime what with friends, celebrate… I know that’s easier said than done, but you’re sure you’ve solved it well!
All love, good luck and great success!
Hey, thanks a lot. I noticed that I forgot a few footnotes, so probably because of a plagiarism…but still thank you
Distract . Do what you like to do. You have no influence on the result.
Go out, meet with friends and enjoy the moments. Forget your future and live here and now.
Stop thinking about it.