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Sind alkoholfreie Getränke wirklich gesünder als alkoholhaltige, oder gibt es andere Gründe, warum ich mich seitdem besser fühle?
Ich habe auf alkoholfreie Getränke umgestellt und merke, dass es mir körperlich besser geht, obwohl der Geschmack für mich nicht ideal ist?
Welches Wasser ist gesünder?
Ist Brita gesünder/besser als Leitungswasser ? Wenn ja, welches ist am besten, weil es gibt ja mehrere Modelle davon.
Musstet ihr schon mal erbrechen?
Nach einem Restaurant besuch? Was habt ihr dann gemacht?
Was ist die beste Eissorte (Umfrage)?
…und welche die schlechteste
Yes, at current temperatures just as good as in the refrigerator. But could happen under certain circumstances that he freezes you (which does not make him unfit).
Magerquark in the closed packaging? Or on a plate?
How long is he supposed to be stable? Temperatures are changing. At night, the quark can cheer up again and thaw again the day, and climb again the next night. But Quark in a closed pack is very durable. I had a quark in the refrigerator that had expired nine months. He looked normal, smelled normal, and tasted normal.
At not more than 5°C as in the refrigerator, if not a crow comes and opens it.
If it does not have warmer than 25 degrees on your balcony, your quark will keep for a while.
We store our things on the balcony in winter. There’s an extra small closet for that. This is very practical and on the balcony it is sometimes even colder than in the refrigerator.
With me, it’s colder out now than in the refrigerator, so the quark would definitely hold.
Your balcony should work like a refrigerator at these temperatures. Put him in a corner where no sun comes. 😛
You don’t have to worry about the cold right now.
yes, at these temperatures
If it’s cold enough…