Ich habe Jemandem Auf Paypal Geld geschickt der kann aber meine Adresse sehen?
Ich habe jemandem auf paypal geld geschickt dann haben wir gestritten und er hat mir meine Adresse geschickt die dort angemeldet war bei paypal. Wie finde ich seine Heraus oder was mache ich jetzt?
He lives in the USA. You don’t seriously think he’s paying a flight to Europe to miss a blue eye. Just keep alive your life normally. Nothing will happen.
Live your life on a normal basis. I’ve already had addresses from people I’ve been fighting with. This is often the case, for example, after a separation or an end of a friendship and experience people almost daily.
I have never updated my address, I believe, at PP.
Yes, the problem is that I only know him on the Internet and don’t know what he does.
What’s he gonna do?
Nothing will happen.
Are you all year round?