Ich habe in Biologie eine 1 bekommen?

Hallo, ich habe in Biologie einen Test im Jahr 2022 geschrieben und habe darauf eine 1 bekommen.

Sieht der Test leicht oder schwer aus? Sieht er schülerfreundlich aus?

Welches Schulabschluss oder Schulniveau könnte es sein?

Müsste man eigentlich für den Test in Biologie auswendig lernen?

Gibt es hier irgendwo Transferleistungen und Logisches Denken? Wenn ja, wo?

Könnte man auch ohne dafür gelernt zu haben trotzdem diesen Test schaffen und eine gute Note zu bekommen?

Ist der Lehrer gut oder schlecht, der den Test erstellt hat?

Wofür braucht man das überhaupt für Leben?

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6 months ago

So if I try to read your sour claw, you only come to the meaning of the letters, because you know how hearing and converting the signals into electrical signals works.

But if the “u” looks the same as the “m” or the “n”, then you should really work a spell, and I really do the teachers who have to decipher it.

No, as a teacher, I’d get you a couple of notes about the claw.

But as far as the difficulty of the test is concerned, it’s pure memorizing, and I’d be damned to take care of it in your place!

Because with this, it’s enough that if someone changes the questioning something to fall mightily on the Schn****!

6 months ago

😂 Sorry, but I can’t decipher your writing either. You can see what hard bone job some teachers have. If he can read your writing, he must be really good.

The test itself has a lot to do with memorizing and especially in teaching.

6 months ago

You can write a little more. It’s time for you to write slower and legible, but come on. It’s a doctor’s claw.

6 months ago
Reply to  JungerKind

You can’t really read their writing.

6 months ago

And I thought I had a claw. Dude.. I would give you maximum ne 4 for the test, because I don’t have to decipher it. What class is that anyway? 6-7 maybe? This is a memorable learning. That’s all.

6 months ago

What do you actually get these regular test questions, especially if the test is 2 years old?

By the way, you should work on the script. Not a few teachers would give a bad touch because they can’t read it.

6 months ago
Reply to  ChristianLE

I was wondering. Must have read the same question from him 20 times.

6 months ago

Your teacher was really nice.

That he knew anything about your claw…

This is for me a “I’ve taken care of in class and noticed the terms for 10 minutes ” Test.

Of course, I would no longer pass this test.

6 months ago

I don’t know, I can’t even tell you what language the blue is written.

6 months ago
Reply to  odine

Thanks for the Lacher

6 months ago
Reply to  AnimeCustom

Why laugh?

With you, the “u” looks like a “n” or a “m” and that’s all but funny!

6 months ago

What “u”, my best?

6 months ago

Look forward to your note. Why do you ask the same crap every test?