Ich habe heute wieder Sommersteinpilze vor der Gartenpforte geerntet?

Dieses Mal sind es sehr sehr viele Pilze gewesen. Ich habe sie heute auch gründlichst gesäubert.

Eigentlich hatten alle Pilze Wurmlöcher und Maden diese habe ich alle mühsam entfernt, denn auch in den kleinsten Löchern waren teilweise noch Kleinste Maden zu finden.

Jetzt habe ich 4 Backbleche voller Pilze zum trocknen und die Hälfte der Pilze ist immer noch übrig.

Dieses Mal dörre ich sie 6 Stunden bei 50 Grad.

Die getrockneten Pilze vom letzten Mal habe ich entsorgt ohne sie zu probieren. Dieses Mal hatten die Pilze nämlich eine wesentlich bessere Qualität. Und beim letzten Mal war ich nicht so gründlich beim Maden entfernen weil ich es zum ersten Mal gemacht hatte. Außerdem waren die Pilze nach mehreren Monaten im Glas wieder ein wenig feucht.

Habt ihr einen Tipp wie ich es dieses Mal besser machen kann? Im Bezug auf die Lagerung.

Hier einmal die Bilder der Pilze der heutigen Ernte :).

Ich habe meiner Oma ein Glas geschenkt von der letzten Ernte. Sie war begeistert. Die Pilze waren lecker, meinte sie.

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1 year ago

I found this for drying:

An even longer shelf life is achieved by Drying mushrooms. They are cut into thin slices and laid out next to each other on a cloth. The place should be very dry and warm, direct sunlight is to be avoided. If the mushrooms are completely dried, they can then be stored in a bag of fabric or paper. Closed glasses, cans or bags of plastic are to be avoided, since there is an increased risk of mold. Drying is also possible in an oven. The fungal slices are dried at about 50 degrees for about eight hours. After an equally long pause, the process is repeated until it is completely dried. Dried mushrooms are easily lastable one year for proper storage.

https://www.kochbar.de/cms/ Pilze-so- wird-sie-real-treated and-stored-2110748.html

Also read the tips for freezing and putting in, you have enough material for experiments!

(And don’t make a head because of the grubs – a bit of white never hurts…)

1 year ago
Reply to  Lovemylife30

Like I said, I wouldn’t worry about the Mads. They are neither toxic nor harmful. Only in the mold would I watch – would be a pity about the great mushrooms.

1 year ago

Great success and good appetite!

1 year ago

Best taste mushrooms freshly prepared or you pack them in portions into the freezer. This does not look like rock mushrooms, but more like marons mushrooms, at least the small ones. What worms contain will make you stand better in the future to be able to gather mushrooms there again next year.

1 year ago

And your question is?

But honestly, if the mushrooms are so eaten and full of maggots, I couldn’t eat them with appetite…

1 year ago

So the real question is not easy to find. Perhaps the next time a little more concrete formulate the question.

The fact that the mushrooms have become moist can only have two reasons: either they were not really dry or your containers are not really dense. If dried mushrooms do not absorb moisture, they are durable for years.

However, what would be much more important to me is the topic of the Maden. If they were so bad, I wouldn’t want to eat the truth. I mean, that’s nothing bad at the end, but mine wouldn’t be.

1 year ago

The mushrooms are cut into slices, pierced with needle and thread, and your chain for drying up, hopefully no longer find grubs…

1 year ago
Reply to  Lovemylife30

A good flexibility, usually works just as well