ich habe eine überweisung von meine FA bekommen fürs Krankenhaus aber was bedeutet sie?
ich bin in der Ssw40+5 und habe eine überweisung von meiner FA bekommen mit der ich ins Kh soll wenn ich es körperlich nicht aushalte als diagnose steht dort 048 G und 080 G
mist dies dann für eine einleitung?
O48 = transmitted pregnancy, O80 = spontaneous birth of an inmate.
So these two doagnoses just describe your condition, but yes – the intention behind it might be that you are discussing the initiation of birth with a cracking room. But I am surprised to go to the hospital if you don’t stop it… but good, I’m not a gynecologist. And so bad is SSW 40+5 not yet
I wonder you didn’t ask your doctor about the diagnosis. He told you what’s missing…and I bet he told you, otherwise he didn’t feel so bad that you should go to KKH if you don’t get it. WHAT’S WHAT? You have to know that, dear. This also derives the diagnosis – but not what to do. This is usually decided in the acute case by the agents in the KKH.
Why do you go to the doctor if you don’t ask him about the purpose of the transfer?
Addendum: I used to mourn Google and in your place I knew I would come to the hospital as soon as possible!
Mr. Madame hasn’t got your search routine yet!
Doesn’t she need to talk to a doctor about a consultation or ask him wuerde.DAS is probably the most common thing! All the more if you have responsibility for your unborn child.
But there is probably as little as understanding. Every animal puts everything instinctively on his boys coming to the world without prejudice.
Here, it seems to me, is neither present.
That such a dubious objection is coming, I thought. I know exactly how such doctor visits take place. I brought three children to the world and all three pregnancies were diffizil.
So you should include yourself with your submission, your lack of knowledge, as well as the remark “prelaut”, you unresolved and stupid person, as which you here both with your question, and in this, your comment. You can call “pre-laut” children, but not an adult person who is just superior to you in the area you mentioned about light years of knowledge.
if you have no idea how the visit went out there I wouldn’t be so prelude
The “ICD” code (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) as an assignment system for medical diagnosis has already been explained to you in other answers.
The DGGG (German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics) formulates in its guidelines, when the deadline is exceeded, an introduction from 41+0 SSWand recommended from 41+3 SSW. For a transfer (from 42+0 SSW), an introduction or an imperial cut should be made.
This refers, of course, to a secured ET for low-risk infeed pregnancy.
If the calculated date of release has been exceeded, pregnant women must be more often provided with the doctor. By means of the tight-mesh controls, the physicians and midwives keep the baby in the eye and can react quickly when there is reason to act.
Every two to three days is checked with a CTG to see if the baby is okay. With normal amount of fruit water, inconspicuous heart tones and the usual child movements, everything is in the lot and you can wait alone – this child also knows when it wants to come and wants to choose his own birthday.
It will be discussed with you in the hospital.
Happy for you and a healthy pregnancy!
Ask if you’re in the hospital. There you know.
Yes I would have liked it anyway
048 = transmitted pregnancy, G = secured diagnosis; 080 = spontaneous birth of an intruder
The Internet says something very different
048 = transmitted pregnancy; 080 = spontaneous birth of a single, – improved the “Internet” gave this info!
So you can get the ICD numbers Googlen, then it comes out. What does WEI mean? NOT, since I am not a doctor