Ich habe ein zahnproblem?
Habe an einem backenzahn eine schwarze Stelle und mehrere Rillen(ritzen) die dunkel sind.
Kann man was dagegen machen?
Und ich habe gemerkt, dass ich meine Zähne knirsche und das schon länger, also was könnte ich dagegen machen und könnte das ein Grund für die schwarzen Stellen sein?
(hatte früher ein Problem mit dem Zähneputzen, aber sie wurden dadurch nur gelb)
Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen
Yeah, go to the dentist.
No. Teeth cracking does not produce caries. A bite rail would be appropriate.
In the case of tooth problems, you go to the dentist.
What does your dentist say? You were sure about that, and you told him that…
If not, why do you ask people who have no idea about going instead of a doctor?
Yes, go to the dentist, let the teeth control and treat if these “black grooves” (fissures) are already in need of treatment.
You can’t do anything about it, but only your dentist. At least, a so-called knir shear rail has to be manufactured at night to protect jaw joints and teeth.
Due to bad, wrong and irregular teeth cleaning, the teeth become yellow, but above all caries are formed. This does not happen from today to tomorrow, but can be quite possible with you.
Your dentist tells you what’s going on.
a dentist visit is advisable
What do you expect from us? How about you just visit your dentist.
We can’t help you.