Ich habe ein schlechtes Gewissen , bin ich der einzige der es mit der rechten Hand macht?
Also viele sagen man soll nicht mit linke Hand grüßen da man damit den hintern abwischt beim Stuhlgang. Sorry aber ich mache es seid 20 Jahren mit der rechten Hand
This applies only in the poor developing countries that are so poor that there are neither toilets with water flushing, nor toilet papers.
I don’t know a righteous person who takes the left hand to greet.
already alone the idea one welcomes someone with the left hand does not go at all because this could only handle the backhand.
…you could choose “left” as a legal wiper, yes for compensation…
that was the habit of late Middle Ages where there were no such good wash as nowadays. Today you wash your hands thoroughly after the stool
I’m right-handed, but I always wash my hands after the toilet business.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄