Ich habe ein Auto gemietet und wurde geblitzt aber ich hab nicht gefahren (ich war alkoholisiert)was passiert?

der Fahrer Besitzt aber kein Führerschein, welche Straftaten kommen auf mich zu und was soll ich am besten machen ?

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2 years ago

Either you take the lightning photo on you or report that you were not the driver and give his name.

But you’re dealing with a lot of stress with the car hire, the unauthorized driver and what’s much worse: you knowingly let someone drive without a driver’s license, so you made yourself criminal. So you deserve the punishment that awaits you, so you brought others into life!

2 years ago

The decisive factor for whether you are punished is whether you have been aware that the driver does not have a driving licence. You didn’t know that, you’re out.

2 years ago

Find a good defenseman, you’ll need him.

2 years ago

Take a lawyer.

2 years ago

You will also get a penalty from the finest, as you have someone driving without a valid driving permit, it is also a crime

2 years ago

You realize that’s a crime, that’s coming out. your driver’s license is retracted, your buddy gets a lock; and a decent fine comes to you