Ich habe die Pille danach genommen, soll ich meine normale Verhütungspille weiter normal einnehmen?

Ich habe die Pille danach genommen und nehme auch die verhütungspille. Soll ich diese jetzt weiter wie gewohnt nehmen? Und ganz normal in die Pause gehen wie sonst auch? Rufe morgen trotzdem beim Fa an.

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1 year ago


4 hours after taking the pill, the active ingredients have certainly already passed into the organism and are still protected. If you are within 4 hoursreally liquid diarrhea (like water) it is necessary to take a pill in order not to lose protection (taking into account the recommended take-up time of the pill).

NOTE: If you take the pill after that you can lose the protection of the pill. The protection will only begin once the pill has been removed after the pill at least 14 days uninterrupted and error-free.

Greetings HobbyTfz

1 year ago

Why take pill after you take the normal pill? Or did you forget one? More information would be good. For the pill after that is not necessary unless you forget one or even more or you cannot keep the times

1 year ago
Reply to  alinaxlnm

Then you should just take the pill further normally and additionally prevent at least one week with condom if not even a few days more. 10-12 days should be enough.

1 year ago

The pill after that was still unnecessary, but well.

Now just take your normal pill and additionally prevent, because now the protection is quite safe away.