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Contact the seller of the e-bike.
It contacts the manufacturer for new keys.
Not forgetting proof of ownership
It’s simple,
you take your replacement key and make a copy of it, please don’t forget the purchase document.
You can also ask the manufacturer.
However, I advise to destroy the castle.
And for people who read here and have such a problem, and by chance the bike does not belong to you. Just give it back.
The manufacturer asks whether there is a solution.
For example, one can order a replacement key with the name of the key number.
Or destroy the castle
But first you have a copy. No device is supplied with only one key.
If you say that it must be true
I got 6 keys to it & a key plaque for rectifying battery & Abus Bordo Castle
Take purchase invoice & there should also be a frame no. & the dealer can reorder key
Take the copy… and make a copy of the copy or order.
That’s how I do it.
Find him.
Oh, God! So much soared pity in the answers. But no one’s thoughtful. Copy, dealer, key number…. you don’t need advice! After a disembarkation, I set up a well-preserved e-bike separately with battery, charger, some accessories and a hand full of key. Papers didn’t exist. Too late I noticed that two keys fit the ABUS lock, but no more. Battery can be charged with original charger, LED signals green…. but a key is missing for starting the battery. Well, who gives an exhaustive answer?
Oh, God! So much soared pity in the answers. But no one’s thoughtful. Copy, dealer, key number…. you don’t need advice! I had left a well-preserved e-bike after dehumidification, separately with battery, charger, some accessories and a hand full of keys. There were no purchase documents or other papers. Too late I noticed that although two keys fit the ABUS lock, the others were nowhere. The battery seems to be normal and can be charged with original charger, the LED signals green…. but to start the battery it requires a key. Well, who knows an exhausting answer?