Ich habe beim Black Friday 4000 Euro ausgegeben, ist das normal 🛍️?
Wie viel habt ihr so ausgegeben.
Und ist es in der Norm, dass ich 4000 Euro ausgeben habe?
Wie viel habt ihr so ausgegeben.
Und ist es in der Norm, dass ich 4000 Euro ausgeben habe?
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Friends oder How i Met your mother?
Leute, die Hunde nicht mögen oder sich über Hunde ärgern sagen “Köter”, “Kläffer” oder auch “Töle”. Für Pferde gibt es den abwertenden Begriff “Gaul”. Doch wie sieht es bei Katzen aus? Da kenne ich irgendwie solch einen Begriff nicht. Warum? Es gibt sicher noch weitere, die so wie ich keine Katzen mögen.
I’ll give you the heart to compare these BF prices with the normal prices of summer.
I don’t want to judge whether normal or not.
Personally, I would rather inverse the money in travels or the like than to strike with a glaring offer.
I haven’t spent anything on such deals.
This depends on whether you only spent 1 or 2 things or whether you bought at least 50 different things. It also depends on whether you really needed everything you bought.
If you need all that you bought, it’s okay. Also depends on how much you deserve yourself and whether you can afford it all.
I really don’t care about the Black Friday – but I have something myself too. 50 euro spent. (Hygiene article)
For my son, I got the junior half-tax for 60Fr. instead of normal 120Fr. He needed that anyway, as he gets 16 just before Christmas and was totally rewarded. That’s all.
Depends on how much money you have available. If you have enough money available and have bought things that are actually necessary, it’s okay. I didn’t buy anything this year because it wasn’t necessary. Last year I had bought a new bed and a new sofa, as I actually needed this and the discount was rewarded. But the business idea is to turn people into unnecessary stuff.
I invested about 50 euros in a new laboratory power supply.
4,000 euros, on the other hand, are already violently 6nd would probably also be much for a medium-sized family with 5 children + grandmas and grandpas.
No, it’s not standard.
No, that’s not normal and I have No Centigrade issued. Black Friday I’m going by the arm…!
Me too, and my purchase was just coincidence at that time. The power supply was not cheaper than in the annual average anyway.
And no, that’s not normal.
This is a buy and not normal 😂
I spent 600€. Thought that would be a lot but I’d feel better now
I spent 0€.
No, that’s really a very big amount, but it also depends, you bought a lot of clothes or a mobile phone and accessories.
And I spent c.a 32 euros
For women this is normal, even too little
If you bought something you really need and have the money, the norm is not.
Since I didn’t need anything, I didn’t buy anything.
If you’re a millionaire, it could be normal.
That’s a lot
It’s not smart. Would you have spent the money without a discount? Probably not. Thus, the companies have only made more sales by you 4000 euros.
I waited for all the things I want to buy. And what day is better than Black Friday?
No…you seem to be rich…😧
Depends on what you have at your disposal. For a millionaire, this would probably be a rather modest amount, for the average citizen a small fortune.
How much money I spent on Black Friday? That’s exactly what I can tell you about the cent: it was exactly $0.00.
During the month I will probably buy some interesting books in total value between 50-100,-€ and maybe visit one or two Christmas markets. It was for me this year with special expenses.
Then you fell in full on the fucking black friday.
“0” Euro
No, for most, that’s a lot of money. I think you’d be better than those who have little money.
Everyone has his own relationship to money, doesn’t it?
Of course, you can interpret how you want, I don’t read that the user turns over others.
I know that from experience, such people have a very low self-confidence and want to polish it up with money. They then live in faith, they would be better than others because they have more money.
You may be forgiven if it was the right thing for you and you were not deducted 🙂
I have been looking at the discounts all year round and only bought what had really big discounts at Black Friday.
In most cases, the prices were artificially driven upwards, so often “battles” are produced which are noxious.
On the one hand, one can criticise the high profit of these companies and our consumer society. It’s going to take the money out of your pocket with tricks, and consumption is getting up, you could question it.
On the other hand, the user criticises that you spend 4,000€ at once and ask a question about it – and, among other things, suggests arrogance.
Understanding this by enlightenment is thought to be very short, and I think the reason for this anger is rather another.
Black Friday is known to offer large discounts. So that Leite can buy something for which it would otherwise be too expensive.
Am I superb when I buy a lot of things I need in a discount action?
Oh, okay
That’s what I’m trying to tell people. And hope that such people might still show insight, even if most are too blinded for it.
But what is the added value of this judgment?
Oh, you holy mackerel…
No, it’s not normal. So far I spent about 170€ for clothes.
I actually spent 0 euros and that’s not normal you should go to treatment once
Can’t judge without knowing your income and balance. I’ve spent 600 euros so far.
Sounds for me for replacement satisfaction / purchase addiction.
If you have enough money on the account that doesn’t hurt you, congratulations. But why should you ask / let your help.
Because obviously this is not normal for you, otherwise you wouldn’t ask that question.