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MeisterRuelps, UserMod Light

A credit card is NOT intended for cash withdrawal as the fees are very high.

It serves to pay on the internet or in shops (plus abroad or security deposit in hotels) and should only be used if it is a.) not a revolving credit card and b.) You can’t spend more a month with it than you can spend.

If you are playing with the idea of exploiting the limit within two months and then repaying 50 or 75 euros a month, I recommend you to let this be financially your ruin!

There will be a Schufa request at the beginning, which decides whether you will get the card and, if necessary, on what terms.

1 year ago

A credit card is NOT intended for cash withdrawal as the fees are very high.

Depends on the map – in some, the money is also free.

However, if you do not pay the bill completely and on time, it will be expensive for each credit card. Or if you do not consider point (b).

MeisterRuelps, UserMod Light
Reply to  TomRichter

That’s what I meant with Revolving Cards. I don’t know if you know the term.
Most credit cards require up to 5% of the deducted amount as a fee. Payment cards are not ATM cards

1 year ago

And then explain to me what the model described by me differs from what you understand under revolving credit.

MeisterRuelps, UserMod Light

That’s what I said. See the above points. In the sum, you only repeat what I said 😁

1 year ago

> pay a certain amount or percentage of the balance.

Yes, as far as known. But you also have the possibility to transfer the entire balance of the bill from the cards I know. And if you do this in time, you don’t pay interest.

MeisterRuelps, UserMod Light

No, they’re not revolving cards. Revolving means that you can set a certain amount or percentage of the balance per month. There are gradually interest

1 year ago

I pay 0% fee on ATM (no idea whether this applies to all) 🙂

With the revolving credit cards known to me, you have the choice of whether you use the credit longer and expensively, or whether you pay the bill within 4 weeks without additional costs.

1 year ago

Sorry, how old are you and how far you can do business?

In the case of a request from the bank, the small print is read twice and then everything is explained.

You can also ask yourself about shopping and if you only pay with card, you can also know how it works.

In the case of rat purchases, you will first obtain information from the Schufa and most mailing houses will not make anything for the first order.

1 year ago

You apply for a credit card without reading out the important points in the AGBs?.
All respect

1 year ago

As long as You do not use this credit card, it does not permanently cost a monthly fee.

I recommend you to inform you:

1 year ago

Read the small print thoroughly!

To apply for something without knowing how it works and what it costs, that is not particularly smart.

1 year ago
Reply to  kolpacin

It’s in the small print.