Ich habe Angst wegen der 2ten Impfung Pfizer am Montag?
sollte ich die 2te Impfung bekommen bei der 1te Impfung war mir nichts?
sollte ich die 2te Impfung bekommen bei der 1te Impfung war mir nichts?
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Heyy Vom Training am Montag und Sonntag sind meine Arme und Hände offen. Werden es Narben?
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Moin Leute, ich hatte heute ne kleine Op beim Hautarzt. Und ich habe irgendwie gelesen das man danach nicht rauchen darf. Stimmt das?
What are you afraid of? Before the Pieks, before the side effects, before vaccination damage, before the envy-filled faces of the vaccinators, before the certainty to now die of something other than a corona infection?
Find out what scares you. And then you’re afraid. The vaccination is not dangerous, but the non-vaccination is already. I had chills and headaches after 12 hours. Since I was so smart and I stayed home anyway, that was harmless. Deep in the night I had no more pleasure and then took a paracetamol to sleep peacefully.
Promise your fears, but surely everything will go well.
This is not exactly a scientifically sound statement…
“relatively frequent” also not.
The questioner seems to have very great fears. This is my answer.
Aha, and “always” is at 25% or how?
Yeah, that’s right. For more information, you have to look into the Internet. Fieber, diarrhea or vomiting occur in 5-15% of cases. I call that “relatively frequent”.
I’ve been vaccinated three times with Biontech.
I had very strong side effects during the first vaccination. The second was much more pleasant and also the third vaccination (today) has not yet triggered any vaccination reactions, except slight pain in the arm.
Yes, vaccination reactions can occur. But you don’t have to be afraid. You don’t have any vaccinations.
If the first round-running is also the second round-running….it is the same “break”……
Side effects are often unequal in the second vaccination.
Especially at Biontech not……
You’ve already learned that the vaccination isn’t bad.
Even if you should feel a vaccination reaction this time, it’s nothing bad. In one or two days this is over again
I was looking forward to the second vaccination.
I went much better after the 2nd vaccination than after the first, am 23.
After the first one, really sucked at night, but the next day was really good again.
After the second bit dizzy and tired after the stitch, that was.
Are you so scared when you take an aspirin tablet? This is more dangerous than vaccination.
Especially because you look “blood-thining”.
What are you afraid of? The people I know had no problems with the Pfizer vaccine. A friend of mine had headaches, I myself had a muscle cat at the puncture site. It’s nothing that throws you out of the train.
If you don’t have anything to worry about, you don’t get anything from Schiss. Known psychic phenomenon. Pull yourself together and stop whining, because it’s about something important!
Yes, severe side effects may occur. Fever, diarrhea and vomiting occur relatively frequently.