Ich habe Angst, dass mir im Leben irgendwann, wenn ich einen Freund habe, mein Freund fremdgeht, weil ich nicht hübsch oder attraktiv genug für ihn bin.?
denkt ihr, ich mache mir zu viele Sorgen? Das Ding ist, dass Männer allgemein häufiger fremdgehen als Frauen. Wenn ich dann einen Freund hätte, hätte ich Angst, dass er mir fremdgeht. Ich hatte noch nie eine Beziehung und auch noch nie Sex, aber ich habe Angst, dass es so kommen könnte. Ich bin 25, werde bald 26 und hatte noch nie eine Beziehung. Wenn ich aber irgendwann eine hätte, hätte ich Angst, enttäuscht und verletzt zu werden.
Das Problem ist auch, dass ich mich selbst nicht schön oder attraktiv finde. Wenn ich dann eine sehr schöne und attraktive Frau auf der Straße oder in der Stadt sehe, denke ich mir: Kein Wunder, dass sie einen Freund hat und ich nicht. Ich werde dann irgendwie neidisch und denke mir: Wenn ich einen Freund hätte, würde er mir sicher fremdgehen. Deshalb möchte ich momentan keine Beziehung, weil ich Angst habe, verletzt oder betrogen zu werden.
Was denkt ihr? Soll ich lieber anfangen zu daten oder es lieber lassen? Ich habe halt Beziehungsangst, weil ich denke, dass ich nicht attraktiv oder hübsch genug bin. 😭 und weil ich neben diese hübsche und attraktive Frauen hässlich bin und mich hässlich finde .
Work on your self-esteem. If someone decides for you (and you also for him), you must not deny his decision.
If you let someone in, get to know him enough so you’re not suspicious of him. Incorrect accusations/presumed misconduct or lack of trust lead to frustration and disappointment in the opposite, which is very likely reflected and leads to new problems. It could be that just because the relationship does not become profound if it holds at all.
Trust should be built in any relationship, even if you have had negative experiences in the past – you have not done. It is not possible to project old burdens on the new person because he can’t do anything for the misconduct of another person.
Before you see a relationship, you first recognize your value and have a little self-confidence, otherwise it won’t last long. Get to know a man who’s really a MANN, he’s not leaving you.
Sorry but you always find reasons to avoid something. You can also go outside if you notice that after 5 years someone else will like you better.
I would never go strange that is just not okay and selfish
Then why are you unpredictable?
There is no connection. Even very pretty women are cheated and even very ugly women have loyal partners for life. Everyone is cheated or not. Everyone has a chance.
If you’re ugly, find yourself ugly and are afraid of relationship, then you’ll probably find the most loyal tomato in the universe.
Yes I can’t trust I think because I don’t think I’m pretty anyway and then I’m afraid to be betrayed
If you find someone who is often also not the “women’s swarm “, but can score with the character, the risk is low that he doesn’t get strange to you either.
You just have to slow down and observe the character of the potential partner for a while. In some, after a few days you can see that this is bad and you should not see the person more than any partner.
So if you find someone interesting, do things with him that would also be done with normal friends, invite him to do something with you and your firm friends in the group.
Nobody’s ugly. Unfortunately, many people use this term.
I also thought that no woman would find me attractive… well, I’ve been dating a girl for many years now.
But, of course, it also depends on the choice of partners. Many women stand on impulsive men who take the lead. These men are in my experience the bad choice. Quiet and nice guys are definitely loyal to you and don’t build a crap.
I’m sure you’ll find the right boy
Well, I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship
And I know that no man really has interest 😭
There are always men who are interested. Of course you don’t find this in every corner is clear. But you have to change your attitude to you. Everyone is beautiful
For your statistics: For every man who goes strange, there must be a woman who goes strange.
Tip: in 99% of cases men go strange because at home the lady has no desire for sex. Or because it’s constantly mucking.
Not because someone looks sensational.
You should learn to accept yourself as you are and do not believe that you are ugly and a partner alienates you. Look at some female stars. There are really very beautiful women and they were still cheated. So leave these negative thoughts.
You’re dating when you feel like a queen. Work on your self-worth. Otherwise, there’s a risk that you’ll get weird guys and lead the relationship you described above. Calls self-filling prophecy.
You are as good as you are (or will be!)!
If you’re afraid he could leave you for a “better” you just have to be the best that there is. And look isn’t everything.
What do you think to be the best, that counted good appearance yes definitely is always 50/50 not everything is character
Does it really look like that?
I’d rather look at the character because it’s a life that changes and that’s faster than a love.
Take a few pictures from your childhood and compare them with now and now think again the same time you will look like?
there will certainly be more men who are more important to the character of a woman than look, and just in the case of longer relationships should be the main focus.
If you have a relationship with a man, you have already successfully completed the “eight” part. As long as you can maintain your appearance (and not take 40 kg for example), you do not have to worry about it.
And as long as you are otherwise the best, no one will come to the idea to get strange to you.
It belongs to the essence of love that one makes oneself vulnerable. But it’s worth the risk!
If you spend your whole life protecting yourself from all dangers by avoiding situations, you don’t really live. According to the motto: I prefer not to go outside the door, I could go over a bus.
Above all, you should work on your attitude towards yourself. And then other women will watch you jealous – bet?!
First, we should clarify what beauty really means. If it exists, who then has the right to decide what is beautiful?
The truth is: beauty lies in the eye of the viewer. What’s nice for you, nobody else needs to be. Your value, uniqueness and inner rays make you feel – and that is something that no one can define or take. Beauty begins where you learn to love and accept yourself.
You’re afraid not to be enough. Because you probably don’t have too good a picture of yourself.
That’s why you make (rationally unfounded fears) a certainty. See here: If I had a boyfriend, he’d be me safe to go outside.
You’ve never tried to learn. So where’s your certainty?
If you’re fishing a friend who only looks at the outside, that can happen.
That’s why we’re looking at the partner choice.
Hey, that’s statistically not right that men are going strange more often
in the right adult age, even more women
in principle, however, life is something where one has to deal with delusions. Only then will you reach something nice 🙂
but take your time.
The thing is I wrote with 2 men and the one has ghosted me and the other did not want a date with me although they thought I was pretty and so and they even wanted to see me at the beginning and now I have no desire to write with men and on dates I also have no bock.
don’t let you out of 2(!) Men do not just discourage you from apps. Apps are problematic because you simply go on photogent (is the word?) and the many are immature there. So there are multiples of a chance in the app and also in real-life (job? university?) and then that will be something.
Just get kids and tie him up!
No, that doesn’t bring anything, with children can go strange
he will
Bullshit! That’s exactly how good you could think every time you sit at the table, “when I eat this now I get belly pain”!
Foreigning can always happen
With the right thing, it won’t happen to you that he’s leaving strangers, because the right thing will love you like you.
” I am 25, will soon be 26 “, is too late, you better go to maloch
What are you talking about?
Simple maloche dikkah
Yes I know but don’t understand what you’re saying 😬🙄
You’re too worried.