Ich habe 3 Accounts Sperren bekommen. Bei Playstation Network 7 Tage sowie Fortnite 12 Stunden sowie Twitch 7 Tage. Ich leide an Suizid was kann ich tun!?
Ich habe im Jahr 2023 eine aller erste Playstation Network Account Sperre bekommen für 7 Tage, wiel ich zu jemanden Gay geschrieben hatte, er hatte mich gemeldet. Und bei Fortnite eine 12 Stunden Sperre bekommen, weil ich sehr viel Random Dou Trio udn Team gespielt hatte. Anscheinend waren Cheater dabei. Das sieht Fortnite nicht gerne, das man mit Cheatern spielen tut. Sowie bei Twitch Account Sperre 7 Tage Sperre bekommen. Weil ich im Livestream Tshirt ausgezogen hatte weil mir warm ist. Jetzt habe ich Angst das ich irgendwann ein Perma bann bekomme. Ich habe Maßnahmen getroffen, die sollen verhindern eine zweite Account Sperre zu bekommen bei die 3 Accounts. Playstation Network nie wieder mehr Chat benutzen. Bei Fortnite nur noch Solo spielen bzw mit Leuten wo ich kenne wo nicht Cheaten. Sowie beim Livestreamen, wenn mir warm ist dann einfach Webcam ausschalten und dann Tshirt ausziehen. Ich habe meine Fehler eingesehen, und ich werde mich an meine Maßnahmen halten dann auch wirklich, das es nie wieder mehr zu einer zweiten Account Sperre kommen wird. Was kann ich wegen die Probleme wegen den Suizid Gedanken machen ? Ist es normal, das Account Sperren für immer notiert werden ? Laut Support bei die 3 Accounts, bleibt es für immer notiert das beim nächsten Verstoß es berücksichtigt wird. Verfallen die Account Sperren notierungen irgendwann oder ist das für immer notiert ?!
You should look for professional help. What is more difficult in Germany, but do it anyway. They can help you get away from gaming.
Okay. But how can I forget the 3 account locks and hook them off?
You should make it clear that you have no influence on it. Are you sure gaming is good for you?
Bad enough. I think gaming isn’t much better than other addictions too.
I’ve been playing for 10 years.
My tip would be: take the opportunity and enjoy a few hours in the sun. It’s a little jogging.
Okay. But how can I forget the 3 account locks and hook them off?
They’re leaving alone or not?
Okay. Is the law that you need to record the lock or the provider Fortnite and Twitch and Playstation Network?
Unfortunately, you can never reverse mistakes. But from mistakes you learn or should learn. And if I consider my actions what I had done with the 3 accounts as a measure, then it will never come to a second account lock. Or?
I don’t know if the quotation is forever or only for 2 years. You can’t keep the rules apart from yourself.
I know the locks are gone. It’s been a long time. But will all the first account lock never be deleted again? So stay listed forever?
I have to watch Playstation Network Account as well as Fortnite Account as well as Twitch Account, which I will never violate again. Then no more thing should happen. So keep in touch with my actions that will never happen again. Then everything is safe, or ?
Yes, it will be noticed that you have already been locked. But in a few days the lock has expired and then can play again. Don’t worry about breaking anything.
I don’t know. Support meant by Playstation Network as well as Fortnite and Twitcht, the account locks remain listed forever. In order to take it into account at the next breach.
I looked into your profile.
Looks like you’re a “Daddeljunkie” like it’s in the book.
Go to the world, life takes place in reality!
Then you might find another friend.
If your world consists of video games, how would you like to talk to a nice girl?
And if you can’t get rid of the box by yourself, find help with a psychologist or self-help group.
You will find keywords such as “computer game addiction”, “media addiction” or “media dependence”.
Okay. But how can I forget the 3 account locks and hook them off?
By directing your attention away and starting to deal with real things.
If you find something that really enthuses, then your locks are fast history.
Finally find a friend. But I never find one. Since 2019 Single unfortunately. It’s also hard to talk to women and find one and so.
I make too much head clear. Only because of 3 accounts blocking my first accounts blocking. Just never make the mistake again or adhere to rules, so also adhere to my actions, then no more will happen or ?
If the locks are your only worries, you can write here what you want. You are playful from my point of view and should think about ne treatment
Okay. But how can I forget the 3 account locks and hook them off?