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Was ist das?
Putze Täglich gut meine Zähne, weiß nicht was das ist/woher es kommt? Gefährlich? Tut auch weh beim Zähneputzen…..
Of course, this is bad and disgusting
Better be, you’d catch up quickly, otherwise the next dentist visit will be unpleasant.
Especially bad for your fellow world, the food remains start to snoop and stink.
Of course, this is also bad for your teeth – but with that you don’t bother anyone directly (indirectly via health insurance, which must pay your negligence at all costs, provided the cashier pays the costs)
Bad, yeah. But above all unhealthy unhygienic and irresponsible.
Yeah, but how bad depends on what you ate. So if you eat a lot of sugar or fibrous, I’d take care of it.
Yeah, it’s bad.
And combing hair would also be great.
I would clean it today, otherwise it will be more critical
yes, very
Everybody’s gonna tell you it’s bad.
I’ll tell you if you regularly rinse your mouth with Hexamed Forte and take little sugar to you and rinse your mouth with Xylit to add a lot of sugar-free gum. Then after 5 days without teeth, you will have an amazingly good oral hygiene.
Yes, and disgusting!!
Bäh, pfui.